FUJIN! ROBOCOP!哦,我的上帝!真人快打11:后果-拖车反应!

真人快打11:后果-拖车反应!终于到了! MK11的新的大扩展已经带来了新角色,新故事等!这是我的反应。

★:官方SCUF赞助商:https://SCUF.co/Caboose结帐时使用代码“ Caboose”可享受5%的折扣!
★:加入骑兵!我所有的Merch现在都享有40%的折扣,并且运费全免!您也可以在结帐时使用代码“ cavalry5”获得$ 5的折扣:https://cavalry.3toall.com/index


真人快打11-故事DLC戏法者反应:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = OJ1A_tgFVE8

《 Injustice 2 Online》-金色蝙蝠侠又回来了:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = ici5XWlOK9E

漫威的复仇者游戏-本月即将上线Beta测试!!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = LgTVisKcDmc

★:徽标创建者:https://twitter.com/pixelflaregfx https://www.pixelflarestudios.com/


Mortal Kombat 11:Aftermath是热门电子游戏Mortal Kombat 11的新扩展,Mortal Kombat 11是特许经营史上最畅销的游戏,在2019年D.I.C.E.中被评为年度格斗游戏。奖项。由屡获殊荣的NetherRealm Studios开发的《真人快打11:余波》以崭新的,以信任和欺骗为主题的电影叙事扩展了广受好评的故事战役,同时还为归来的真人快打战斗机,富锦和谢娃以及客串角色RoboCop,这是他的系列首演。

#MortalKombat11#MK11 #EarlyAccessProvided by WB

  1. aftermath should be free in the update you get on may 26 thats means in my opinon the people who got kombat pack 1 should get this free

  2. We may have been saddened for the the last of us part 2 being pushed back from may to June and betrayed for what the leaks mentioned but at least in that same week we get a new set of goodies to be happy for.

  3. Fun fact about the now famous pose robocop 87. Due to how the suit was designed for Peter Weller. When he raised his hand to shoot his gun he often had to raise the other hand due to movement restraints. To move one arm he had to raise the other. Of course this was corrected but by then the pose had become so iconic it was then demanded peter do it againa and again.

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