SCORN Trailer#3 NEW(2020)H.R Giger Inspired Horror HD

SCORN Trailer#3 NEW(2020)H.R Giger Inspired Horror HD



  1. They are actually making this game?
    Last trailer was more than a year ago, I thought They forgotten about it; this is seriously impressive!

  2. Wft is this game about? Obviously 100% based on H.R. Ginger’s biomechanical style which is cool af but is this going to to be a horror survival type game?

  3. Those who don’t know this game been in development for years and also this is H R giger inspire so thats why it looks like Aliens.

  4. just looking at the comments shows how the gaming community went downhill…pretty sad (great atmospheric trailer tho)

  5. Looks like something out of the necronomicon… Gieger fan myself.. Love the aliens movies… I will definitely play this… Judging by the looks of it I won't be able to sleep properly afterwards lol

  6. These guys seriously learned nothing from Agony? Gamers don’t care for this art house, walking simulator shit. If I was a game dev 4 years into a failed/ commercially unsuccessful product, I’d probably trash the product.

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