2020 Nintendo Switch Lite拆箱!

今天我们要为Nintendo Switch LITE开箱!您可能听说过常规的Nintendo Switch,但是您听说过Nintendo Switch Lite吗?我决定动手做一个。如果您想知道为什么我购买了2020年的Nintendo Switch Lite,希望这个Nintendo Switch Lite拆箱视频能给您一些启示!在此Nintendo Switch Lite拆箱中,我将向您确切显示包装盒中的内容,我选择的Nintendo Switch Lite颜色以及我打算如何使用Nintendo Switch Lite控制台!与往常一样,不要忘了在最好的Nintendo Switch游戏中留下您的想法,以及您对Nintendo Switch Lite的想法在评论部分!

Nintendo Switch(亚马逊)-http://bmac.link/NintendoSwitch
Nintendo Switch Lite(亚马逊)-http://bmac.link/NintendoSwitchLite
免费试用Amazon Prime! -http://bmac.link/AmazonPrimeFree30Days



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在配备Sigma 16mm f / 1.4镜头的索尼a6500和配备Panasonic 12-32mm f / 3.5-f / 5.6镜头的LUMIX GX85上进行拍摄。
于4.22.2020上传。 136K订阅者。 15,792,808意见。

  1. I had to exchange my switch light yesterday because after a week of playing Link's Awakening the left joy stick wouldn't move right correctly. Not sure if that is a known issue besides the drifting problem.

  2. I’m laughing so hard right now because for so long I was aching to get the OG switch but all that was available was used consoles that were going for 350 euro! (eBay, Amazon etc.) And nothing BUT the lite was available but people from other countries kept complaining that the lite was sold out for them too! Yet I was still like “idk people keep convincing me it’s not worth it” but the problem was, I was reading YouTube and Reddit comments not reading articles and watching videos. Now the switch lite is still available and I can afford that and one game. Ima get BOTW (I know it would look good on the tv but oh well). Anyway, It’s just crazy how research and “is it for you” videos are so important! Especially during times where everything is sold out. Perhaps I’ll get an OG down the line but I’m glad I realized that the OG would not work for me. I do have a ps4 as well! Anyway, thanks for this video man! And bless you lmao! ?

  3. I managed to snag a coral lite switch from best buy. Weird how it's coming all the way from New York when I live in cali ? but at least I got the coral pink!

  4. I’m here laying in bed watching Nintendo switch videos while still processing the fact that I found one and ordered it in peace with this mess of 2020…

  5. This is an awesome alternative given it’s borderline impossible to get a new original switch for less than £500. For some reason the mass buying hasn’t targeted the lite model

  6. I still think the storage on these are terrible 32gb the Apple Watch has the same storage on a watch ?. I know you can get an sd card but it should imo come with 250/500 gb.

  7. anybodyelse benging switch lite vids a month before your birthday because you know your garudian who pays for the wifi can see what your doing on the wifi and you want them to see you really wanna switch lite??

    oh just me? okay…

  8. I lost 200$ to a scammer yesterday, two month ive saved that money for Switch Lite… It's hurt and guess I will get it in another two month…

  9. i ordered a yellow switch lite with animal crossing from target 2 days ago and i get to go pick it up next week on wednesday (5 days for me as of when i posted this comment)

  10. I have a ps4 one thing is I can’t bring it outside like on car, house(like houses of my aunts,cousins). I love games tbh. My mom owns a nintendo before she loves it. I can’t just say ‘Can I get a nintendo’ they’d be like ‘you have a ps4’ not understanding my point so the only way is saving my money. I mean my pocket money every week when school starts and of course they lend some money so I’d be like ‘can u give me back my money? Or u can just buy me the nintendo switch lite’ Lol HAHAHAHA

  11. This is the only Switch that the scalpers didn't bothered trying to buy it and sell it at an insane price. And I did have mine yesterday (at the time of typing this comment). Still amazing, but wanted the regular (revised one) and have games with it. Except my local Walmart only had a few Nintendo Switch light, which it is fine. But I guess that people wanted the original functionality. And when you get the switch, try to buy the bundle. You would get an extra game that way, even if you didn't asked for it or even wanted it. You can always trade it for another (or towards for another).

  12. I want the Nintendo Switch but none in stock it’s annoying but they got the lite which is what I don’t want. Also Nintendo is upping 10% of their production for the Nintendo Switch.

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