Zul Farrak值得吗?在WoW BFA 8.3中-黄金种植,黄金制作指南


(PC)-Cyber​​powerPC Wyvern:https://amzn.to/2YEHFfo
(鼠标)-Razor Naga Trinity:https://amzn.to/2K2LyaV
(监视器)-iiYama Black Hawk:https://amzn.to/2K5dGKn
(键盘)-Logitech K120:https://amzn.to/2K1ZUrO




毁容-空白/ NoCopyrightSounds


…有一个美好的一天,男孩和女孩! 🙂

  1. Is there a way to add BoP items into Raw Gold since they will be sold to the vendor instead of adding it to the Item Value in worhtit?

  2. One french streamer (Lessya) just made 100 runs of Zul Farrak with an excel board and everything. He got a 66k/h an average (btw one super item gave him 22k/h lol) 100runs = 9 hours

  3. Transmog does sell but need a minimum of 2000 pieces from different dungeons and farms and crafted. You cant farm ZF and expect to be rich unless you get lucky one day.

    Zul farrak drops alot of the best high end items in the game but the low end pieces are bad.

    If you run for transmog never ever skip ANY mob I've gotten glorious legs from the neutral scarabs and from the graves that's 300k extra in my balance for looting everything.

    And running transmog on two servers one RP one normal the prices are a lot lower on RP but sell a lot quicker so you have to way up whether you want quick cash or slow big cash.

  4. Can anyone recommend NA alliance server that would be good for a fresh start? Going to farm some Mogs and volatiles, maybe glyphs? I dunno where to begin making gold that isn’t farming end game herbs

  5. Honestly dude, I don’t think xmog has a place in worth it. It’s such a volatile market and it varies more than anything from server to server or day to day. I know you want to cover everything in worth it, I just think xmog should be done without it

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