哇:BFA 8.3刻金!魔兽世界黄金指南


关于BFA 8.3中的INSCRIPTION的黄金指南!这是一个由多部分组成的系列文章的第二部分,该系列探讨了从现在到《魔兽世界》的《影子世界》中的所有手工制作专业。

  1. Great video!

    Sitting on 500k atm and thinking about if it's worth to level inscription on an alt or maybe save the gold for Shadowlands to then be able to level the "new professions".
    I do already have cooking, enchanting, alchemy, tailoring at max so maybe it's smartare to save, idk. Im on a highpop server (EU).

    Any tips? 🙂

  2. Could you give us some tips in case of constant undercutting? I mean my server (Burning Legion) is that retarded people are undercutting even 30/40% from original price. Yesterday i sold some flanks for cooking for like 40g each, later they were at 20g which is a joke for me. What could you recommend me? I'm also thinking about Dreadged Leather farm with cooking stuff and moving herbalism on my druid.

  3. man people seriously waste that much money on glyphs ?
    always thought about grabbing them and making it but never really believed people would use that much money on it XD

  4. Please Hikons start adding a pastebin with your group for the profession youre going through, id so love to see your crafting/auctioning operations for each prof. Ty for awesome content

  5. Nice one! Those prices though… Twisting Nether – EU, 400 ivl trinkets sell for 2500 – 3700g and contracts for 20 – 100g and warscrolls 150g ish 🙁

  6. I'm new to wow gold making and i'm trying Inscription :^) anyway everytime i think about crafting scrolls and sells them when i check the auction house there's people who already posted 1500+ scrolls in the auction house also when i check the Avg Daily Sold By TSM addon it's very low like 150 Avg Daily Sold it makes me stop thinking about making them like who wants to buy my 50 scroll out of 1500 other scrolls same goes with other stuff and the trinkets you talked about and the glyphs they too have very low Avg Daily Sold like 1.56/1.03 please i need advice thank you for the great video tho. 🙂

  7. U forgot the biggest one mystery fortune cards, get them super easily with the pigments u get from legion herbs on my realm sells for 189g each and sells pretty fast would recommend trying it out

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