Xbox Series X“游戏玩法”令人失望Jason Schreier确认PS5将于6月发布

5月Xbox Series X下一代游戏展示活动似乎让粉丝感到完全失望。微软有很大的机会真正吸引人的注意力,并继续为推出新游戏机建立动力,但是他们似乎大把时间丢了。他们声称这将是一场游戏展示活动,但实际上基本上没有任何游戏展示,人们对此并不满意。我们都知道这是一个针对第三方游戏而非Xbox Studio独家游戏的活动,但即便如此,它也不是一个很好的展示。希望Xbox新闻会有所改善。我们还得到了Jason Schreier的确认,即Sony将在6月中旬公开与PS5相关的内容。听起来可能不是大型的PlayStation 5揭密事件,但听起来索尼将宣布一些消息。也许只是炫耀控制台的外观和拆解?无论哪种方式,令人兴奋的是,我们很快就会获得一些PS5官方新闻。



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  1. This video has been rendered and uploaded in 4K so you should be able to get a better idea of what some of these games look like, even though all of these games were pretty much in engine footage and not running on a Series X. There's no denyng in my opinion that Xbox really dropped the ball big time here. They had a lot of momentum building up and they seemigly just brought it to a screeching halt sadly. This doesn't mean it's all doom and gloom going forward but it has put a lot more pressure on them to really deliver and go big with their July event. This also makes you wonder what Sony plans to do, you have to imagine Sony is going to go big, really big, but we still don't know for sure yet what to expect. My hope is that Sony continues to show full fledged 10-15 gameplay demos, this is what they have done best and how they manage to really hype gamers up I think. It's starting to really seem like June is when something big will be happening with the PS5, maybe not the big event but the console reveal and teardown maybe? Be sure to leave your thoughts down below and leave the video a like if you enjoyed it!

  2. It’s hysterical, as always. This was KNOWN to be a THIRD PARTY SHOWCASE. Granted yes, they said it would showcase “gameplay footage” and it did not. The problem? As always, if this was Sony showing off Third Party games for PS5 (which basically all of these games will be on PS5), this asshat would be praising everything from the graphics, to the console, and Sony for selecting these titles to be shown. THAT’S why I can’t take this guy seriously.

  3. Literally every single title featured gameplay except for Scorn and Ass Creed which feature in engine footage instead. It wasn't a great presentation but it really wasn't that bad. The internet is blowing this WAY out of proportion.

  4. It's sad how many Sony fanboys are in the comment section saying the PS5 will win because they (Microsoft) overhyped an event and even apologized for it. Stupid as fuck. Stop that console war shit and just play on the console you want to play with without forcing others to play on your favourite console. My friend tried to convince me to buy a PS4 and I'm happy that I didn't do it. The PS4 had many great games but the only game I was interested in was God of War. Then I looked to the Xbox One and I was impressed. The controller, the Xbox Game Pass and more games that I'm interested in. I will definitely get the Xbox Series X because it will get great games, it has a cool design, it is so powerful and it has such a great controller. The PS5 will be great too and get a controller that is way better than the DualShock 4. It will also get great exclusive games but no games I'm interested in. I won't force any of my friends to buy an Xbox, I just let them play on the console they want to play with and I don't hate the PlayStation but I also have to say that I don't like some things about the PlayStation. So do I about the Xbox. Stop the console war and love each other 🙂
    A gamer is a gamer. Thanks to CrossPlay I can play with my friends that have a PlayStation, we're living in a great time.

  5. I only watched it for assassin’s creed Valhalla! I don’t care about Xbox otherwise even tough that was disappointment with no gameplay I’m still hyped for that game and how it will look on the PS5 ?

  6. tbg i dont care about the event disappointment but i'm not going to get a ps5 because of that i already have a one x and switching to sony rn would be dumb since i've already bought a ton of games on xbox and would have to rebuy them again to get less performance out of them. Both consoles better have 120hz 1440p support for real in games cuz i already know one x can do 1440p120 in the home screen, but what's the point in that?

  7. Sony may not show anything till they have production sorted .The Question is do we honestly need to spend money on the next gen console , may be next year , but not yet?

  8. Correction none of those are console exclusives all are coming to ps5 lol that’s why they did not say anything because they can’tXD

  9. Xbox: Shows off 3rd party games that are also going to be on PS5

    PS stans: lol! Xbox more like Lbox! These games suck! Looks like M$ just shot themselves in the foot!

  10. My only concern, how much would price matters, because Microsoft has money and can force Sony to do be higher price. I think sony fans won't care. Sonly has better games, period!!

  11. I hope playstation exclusive stay true for next gen only because if the game come out on current gen also, the graphic would not be much better.

  12. I can hear your pain. And you are right the stream was a let down. And to be fair Microsoft have come out and said this. But on the other hand Sony has said nothing and until Sony give a date for their show your Schrier confirmation means *nothing*. Fan rant over.
    From a business point of view this show did exactly what it meant to. People are now looking to Sony to clap back like we know they will. And when they do xbox has its answer prepared. To write them off after one stream is well… what I'd expect from you to be honest.

  13. I hope Youtubers encouraging Bright Memory Infinite realize they are encouraging an army of Chinese dudes to copy paste assets to make crap games to try hit it big like that dude.

    From what I read, that guy copy pasted a ton of assets from other games. If he succeeds with that game, the Youtubers praising that game are telling all RIP off devs in China to try doing the same thing to earn some bank. Shame on Xbox for marketing that game that plagiarized other games.

  14. They gambled with a fart, lost and shit themselves. look, Sony have handled the ps5 so far…awful, Microsoft has done everything right, with this event they had an open goal, they were 2 feet out….and missed. Biggest problem with Xbox one S/X…no games, nevermind power, forza horizon 4 on Xbox one S is one of the best looking console games ive seen, but microsoft had a real issue with games…this "event" has just shown me it looks like thats another problem for XSX too, all the power but no quality games. IGN said..devs are at home, cut them some slack…AC Valhalla is out in 5 months…not 2 years…5 months, they could show 5 10 minute demos between now and launch and not spoil anything, bottom line is just like sports fans to their teams, we, the fans keep these people in business, im sick and tired of both sony and microsoft promising to show us things then it falling flat and having huge dissapointment afterwards, BOTH Sony and microsoft need to be bold now, and stop playing chicken with each other, be confident in the machine you have, have trust in the fans of your products and most of all have faith that the content for the new machines will be good and we will like it.

  15. With Microsoft’s cluster f**k of their gameplay reveal yesterday, all the momentum is now in Sony’s hands to hit their gameplay reveal out of the park or whatever they have planned to show this month or next month. I believe Sony will go all out and go for the jugular, they’re gonna make their mark to show that the PS5 will be THE next gen console to have come the end of this year for Christmas and best believe that the PS5 preorders will run out faster than a speeding bullet……I’m ready and waiting for the PS5 preorder green light, got $600 on standby to give to Sony. ?✌?

    By the way, the recent trailer for Last Of Us 2 looked amazingly PS4 …….better than anything Microsoft showed yesterday.

  16. best gaming channel mbg for sure i like honesty in my news and this is a truthseeker gaming channel and yes xbox event was extremely lackluster when all are coming to playstation as well and meh yeah i like horror games and would play bout half the titles announced but they are not exclusives at least sony aint gotta talk about em now

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