恶魔术士又回来了吗? 8.3演示锁定指南

恶魔术士又回来了吗?查看我们的8.3 Demo Lock指南,以获得清晰的答案,以及有关装备,本质,特质,8.3恶魔术士轮换以及最佳8.3恶魔人才的更多信息。该规范是8.1中最好的规范,如果玩法正确,它仍然可以给出不错的数字。演示锁8.3 m +的性能可以与那里的大多数aoe神竞争,而在ny’alotha中,数字虽然不错,但绝不会上升到法师等级。无论您是想进行更多的突袭还是只是直接整理8.3恶魔术士的神话,都没关系,因为演示很有趣,一旦掌握就会获得超值奖励。这就是为什么如果您一直遵循我们的《恶魔术士》指南,您将能够立即推送大量数字并掌握如何玩恶魔术士。有关更多指南,例如演示锁8.3指南,请坚持使用MarcelianOnline,因为我们始终为您提供最完整的8.3 bfa wow类指南:)




videos所有视频均在太平洋标准时间(PST)14:00 PM / CET 11:00 PM直播


  1. Hey, great video! I play since 4 weeks, shoudn't i cast tyrant in aoe right? Is only my opinion or demo is better then destro in mythic and destro is better in raid?

  2. Such a good video! I was topping meters when leveling thanks to you! But now I have to include Implosion in my rotation which complicates things :/ But yeah, without this video I wouldve never even thought about using it, after all my imps are doing damage or so I thought.

  3. Love your guides! Like you said at the beginning though, it seems like all the cool traits you want to pick are never viable. That's the sole reason I dropped my Demo Lock. I want to use Gargoyles, Vilefeind, Grimoire Felguard, and Nether Portal. I messed with those traits at first and it was so fun summoning swarms of different creatures. Maybe if those become viable in Shadowlands I'll pick it back up.

  4. Man I’ve been watching your videos and they are the best guides on YouTube for a introduction to a new spec. But please, stop with those over the top tittles on the thumbnail. All are like “SHAMAN THE KING OF MELEE” “WARRIOR IS THE NEW META” “DK INSANE DAMAGE”. Like if every class is the same. It’s well know that some clases have advantages in dps than other always, so giving the “THIS IS THE SUPER SPEC” not only confuses but loses the point.

    Besides that, the content itself it’s on point! Kudos

  5. Honestly, DKs and locks are my favorite classes for many reasons. But the locks inability to move with WoWs outdated combat system makes playing almost every caster kind of pointless. I wish WoW would take a page from Elder Scrolls Online’s superior skill based combat system (not cool down focused & standing still). Weaving light attacks in ESO between skill casts and even while on the move, makes combat so fast paced.

  6. @


    I have question if you answer pls , wich addon or option makes your character looks more shiny.? I saw on soem of your widoest that effect . will you help me to find it?

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