今天,Microsoft与刺客的Creed Valhalla游戏一起发布了第一个官方Xbox Xbox X正式游戏直播,但没有游戏。我们将回顾并讨论为什么粉丝不喜欢Xbox Series X游戏玩法。

索尼即将发布PS5,我们将看到第一个官方的PlayStation 5游戏直播。根据泄漏,定于六月。我们希望索尼能为我们提供PS5的价格和发布日期,并在接下来的几周内向我们展示真正的下一代PS5游戏玩法。

我们还听说PS5将有免费的下一代升级,EA表示《战地风云6》看起来“非常好”。现在,EA不再调用下一个《战地风云》游戏,即《战地风云6》,因此它可能是BF6或Bad Company 3。

据说《赛博朋克》即将推出新游戏。这可能是Xbox Series X / PS5跨代Cyber​​punk 2077游戏玩法,但我们必须拭目以待。在5月12日举行的夏季游戏节上将会有一个惊喜游戏。

最后,《使命召唤2020》预告片即将发布。动视确认,今年我们将推出新的《使命召唤2020》游戏。它是《使命召唤》越南版或《黑色行动5》,而《黑色行动5》预告片也即将推出。 #Xbox#PS5#COD2020 #CallofDuty #Cyber​​punk#Battlefield6 #Gaming


00:00-Xbox Series X游戏玩法公开直播
10:27-COD 2020预告片很快(泄漏的信息)







PS5 vs Xbox Series X(规格比较)

E3 2020取消

PlayStation 5游戏专利和《黑色行动5》泄漏

PS5官方页面和MW Battle Royale TEASE

《侠盗猎车手6》新闻和微软回应索尼(PS5 vs Xbox)


PlayStation 5和Cyber​​punk 2077延迟




GTA 6游戏详情

GTA 6预告片即将推出


  1. OMG!!!! I have never laughed that hard before. Skizzle i watch your videos all the time and i love that "sus" dog picture but that guy casting the fishing rod just got me! You have a direct line to my funny bone!!!!! ????????? i love your videos brother keep them coming!

  2. Xbox is just a rip off of PlayStation without halo Xbox is just another copycat console. Most games they showed your gonna get on PlayStation anyways so why even bother with an Xbox. Don’t get it

  3. Well at least the XBOX haves something to show and did quite well considering all that’s going on in the world. I personally saw about 5 games that look incredible particularly Bright Memory Infinite, Scorn, Medium, Chorus and Assassin’s Creed of course. They’re definitely could have been more gameplay like how they opened up the show with a huge bang. Honestly only the games in the middle, the PS also games are the ones that looked horrible because they have to work on the weaker PS5 and PS4. The much more powerful XBOX/PC Only games looked next gen. The show was a B- that is much better than having nothing at all. Most people don’t even really care about a PS5 anymore literally everyone is talking about getting a XBOX Series X. Only reason PS5 even has a whisper right now is because Sony fanboys keep mentioning it on all the XBOX Videos, and you have no choice but to feel insecure about everything being all about XBOX. That’s why PS fans are desperate and trying so hard to find anything to latch onto they think is negative about XBOX because PS new ranges from ultra negative to nonexistent.

  4. This was a 3rd party advertisement reveal event, nothing more. MS made a bad marketing move, but we saw 13 games including 4 horror games. Majority of these games peaked my interest and I enjoyed the 30 minute presentation. Also, a few games showed yesterday have since dropped full gameplay videos. July is going to be the first party event, including Halo, Hellblade 2, Forza & a bunch of new exclusives and 1st party reveals. Both consoles will have sick games at launch, but this was a marketing fail. Oh well.

  5. I think at this point advancement on consoles is goingt o be much slower in the coming future. We've seen the development and streamlining and bettering of this concept for 50+ years now and it's time that progress starts to slow down and each next generation won't be a massive improvement on the last

  6. Xbox didn't fail. The game devs failed. They showed nothing important. Same thing will happen with Ps5 I bet. Games these days only show trailers and call it "gameplay".

  7. Bro if That game jornalist Jason is right about gta 6 getting rebooted and still in early development then my friends we're looking at a 2024 release date or even beyond that!!

  8. But we should not get our hope's up alot of games for next-generation will look like last gen.True next-gen will be when PS6 and the next xbox come and thats when graphical leap will happen.

  9. Xbox also doesn't build value in buying in there console cause if you have a pretty decent pc you can play all series x games on pc so way buy a series x lol.

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