托尼·霍克的专业溜冰者1 + 2-官方显示预告片

影响一代的游戏将以光荣的4K,更新的图形返回Xbox One,PS4和PC。

  1. I’m so stoked for this. I constantly played these games as a kid. Hopefully it doesn’t play like thps 5. It was a bit of a let down. And I hope we will be able to customize skateparks and our own skaters as well. Just wish that had all the original skaters in this.

  2. After the absolute shitshow that was THPS5, I really hope they don’t screw this up
    If they get this right, it could be a game changer

  3. Would someone who really loved Skate 3 like this? I’ve heard lots of great things but the Tony Hawk series always seemed too arcadey to me if that makes sense

  4. I fucking love how they are using a song about police brutally to promote the best skating game ever made! TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY

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