
纳瓦霍人与美国政府之间未兑现诺言的历史助长了该国纳瓦霍人中冠状病毒感染率最高的国家之一。纳瓦霍族施加了广泛的封锁命令,但是基础设施不足和缺乏自来水等基本需求的情况加剧了危机。该病毒会把纳瓦霍人带到濒临灭绝的边缘吗?或者会引发集会的呼声,并最终导致人们早已应得的救济? CBSN Originals是我们的优质纪录片系列,一定会挑战您对此和其他各种问题的看法。请参阅我们的完整系列库,网址为。

  1. Natives are so selfish that they will leave their animals suffering starvation, and other abuse and neglect. They let the puppies freeze to death. The mothers freeze and go hungry. The natives do not care about animals. They throw them in the street to get run over. I know about their cruelty and horrific abuse of animals. They are bad people and God is punishing them.

  2. Navajo people must discipline themselves to make it through tough times, not just this pandemic but for any future occurence that we may have to deal with.

  3. The very least a president of the United States could do is to make sure a face mask is available for everyone. Because of this he lost my vote. This assured me that Trump has absolutely no leadership qualities whatsoever. I am not saying free masks. This man doesn’t care about the welfare of the people. He only cares about getting re elected and building back his so called great economy which I think was a false economy to begin with. I voted for him 2016 but I will not make that mistake again considering his handling of the coronavirus.

  4. I can't stop the tears. A mixture of sadness, heartache, pride, uselessness and yearning. Thank you for this CBS News. I am Bit'ahnii born for Áshįįhi.

  5. God bless ALL the Natives, the Principal People, the ones who were living correctly before arrogant and evil foreigners invaded. Christoper Columbus and C-19 are both viruses that killed. The U.S. has made 180 treaties with and innumerable promises to the Natives and broken every f*ing ONE of them. There is no honor in the U.S. government and the "humans" that run it, there is no truth in ANYTHING they say, and the apathy of the white man in this country is disgusting in it's hypocrisy and it's continued damage. Words, nothing but empty words continue to be offered up while the good people die.

  6. I worked @ GIMC (Gallup Indian Medical Center) I am confused; this video says the Navajo Signed the "treaty" but many of my Navajo coworkers said that Navajo did NOT?

  7. We all know the coronavirus has hit the world hard, but this video shows how devastating it has been on the Navajo Nation and I am sure other Native American nations as well.

  8. Today's vocabulary term is
    vig·or·ish aka the vig

    an excessive rate of interest on a loan, typically one from an illegal moneylender.
    the percentage deducted from a gambler's winnings by the organizers of a game:
    "payment of vigorish to be made at a later time"
    I'll explain why that's important to this post in a moment
    20 years ago I ate breakfast almost everyday at Kate's Cafe on Edgewater
    I helped to build the rez dog shelter at St Judes
    When I saw the images of TC I cried
    The problem with the Navajo Nation is not the US Government ,nor the White Man But the chronically corrupt Navajo Government and a bizzare system of laws
    A person can't own property on the Rez
    Natives get hired first
    And then there is that word vig
    If say Motel 6 wants to build a motel on the rez they have to pay the Tribe a percentage of their gross upfront first
    I'm surprised that Denny's could build a restaurant on the rez; maybe it's bc they built it on the Hopi side of 160
    The whole Navajo system of government is one that encourages failure and not success
    They need water on the Rez ? put a couple of dams on the Little Colorado River
    Dam Lower Moenkopi Wash and make Tuba a lake front city
    Need jobs ?
    Build a Walmart SuperCenter , an outlet mall and a couple of motels on the jct of US 89 & US 160
    Improve the airport
    Take advantage of the 6 million people who visited Grand Canyon National Park last year and the millions of monied people who visited the Four Corners Region

  9. american natives lived in harmony with nature for 25000 years. the USA has exterminated wild life and trees in less than 100 years. will the USA will last as such? maybe natives will be able to reign after that.

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