










  1. For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins that who so ever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life

  2. WHO states there's an average of 1 million – mostly children – who die ANNUALLY from malaria. Yet no one has ever really cared as it can't be used as a political tool?

  3. a woman makes your life beautiful you get  comfort from a woman we should all respect the woman the woman is like a flower we should not torture him  i get so angry at people who torture a woman When I was 15,years everybody left me?It seems strange to be alone now?Life looks beautiful?I want to live but no one with me❤️ To this day, I have miss a good family in my life??????i want best friend?Some grief in life is lessened if you find a loving partner

  4. China was awful before. In Taiwan and Hong Kong legitimate lockdowns are basically impossible as China will use it as an excuse to attack these people

  5. Stand beside the campfire the most powerful man on earth said it goes away with heat can I have some marshmallows with that lol

  6. An experiment gone bad now the world has to pay for the incompetent crooked people's mistakes. Always gotta stick your nose in the garbage can.

  7. We have tons of information being presented by alternative sources that is in direct contradiction to the official narrative and almost all of it is being censored. There is something very wrong here. I no longer trust any information being presented by the mainstream media.

  8. Still have viruses outside
    Most ppl didn’t wear mask ?
    You just cannot feel happens now
    But corona is still alive in ur lugs
    Remember corona still want infection

  9. Viral pandemics run there course naturally. No proof lockdowns work at all beyond the initial containment stage, once community spread is rampant there is very little social distancing or lockdowns/quarantines can actually do based on concrete facts . Most of Italy, Germany and Austria and other countries and states have been open in some places for weeks and no disaster. Over a month for some Asian countries. Sweden and Belarus never went into lockdown either and they haven't collapsed. This was a failed, overreaching and ultimately unnecessary response to the pandemic that will have terrible reproccussions and failed to save the lives of the elderly and vulnerable-the only ones who need it, as its likely the overall death rate is less than 1% and world wide deaths due to Coronavirus is still less than a bad flu season. (Less than 300k vs 650k flu deaths)

  10. come on people just stay home and don't put yourself in risk you can get the virus and can be deadly so don't go out for your well being don't put yourself in risk stay away from public places don't you get it ? this is a pandemic virus so if you don't have you can get it

  11. Good recap video… a little snapshot of some noteworthy news around the world.

    People are anxious to return to work, I wonder why? Because they have bills to pay and don't want to lose what they've spent their lives building, and not even the Virus will stop them, and certainly not any Govt hypocrite order….. I don't blame them, the Govt has failed miserably to accommodate non-Govt employees or businesses…

    DEFINITELY AN US vs THEM MENTALITY has been exposed…

  12. I do not think that it is very safe to help all those people so close together in a mall in Hong Kong. The coronavirus cases will increase and more people will become infected and died from it.

  13. The "virus" is a means to an end.
    The means to sequester and repatriate people all over the Earth.
    The end is to have each nation thin their respective populations by a predetermined agreed upon amount.
    You will never go back to the life that you had five months ago. Consider yourself lucky if you get through the next two years.

  14. A real man and Hero Italian Politician On. Victtorio SCGARBI called out the fraud media and crooked politicians for lying about this fraud pandemic. These fraudsters ruined countless jobs and businesses; including the lives and livelihoods of Canadians. This is the biggest fraud of our lifetime and mainstream media is in cahoots.

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