全文:鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)揭示了英国冠状病毒封锁的变化

鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)宣布了英国针对冠状病毒的计划的下一阶段,其中包括放松限制的时间表。




  1. Hey Boris, that was the most cringe worthy display of insincere, face saving hogwash, whilst subtly alluding to forceful population control everyone had the misfortune to sit through.
    This whole "Pandemic / Lockdown", has been comprehensively discredited by a large number of intelligent researchers.
    You are only fooling those who are completely brainwashed by the BBC and mainstream media and those whom cannot afford to pay punitive fines, for living a normal life.
    Have you been bought or blackmailed by the Deep state / Globalist psycho's? Maybe the Dominics are one.
    Do you want your children and future generations to remember you as the Prime Minister of the UK, who did not take a stance against the psychopathic, Megalomaniac, Globalist, Corporate movement to an Orwellian Dystopian state?
    I agree that the world needs to stop the relentless destruction of natural resources.
    But who is perpetuating that destruction? It is without doubt, the self serving disregard of Giant Mega Corporations who's only directive seems to be, Expand and Profit. The Shareholders come before the environment.
    You have the power to make Laws. You could kerb the destruction and you would be remembered as a True Honourable Statesman.
    People voted for you because people had faith in you to do the right thing. Don't be misguided by forces with evil ulterior motives.
    Do something honourable and stand against this insidious creep of totalitarianism.
    Social distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and vaccinations, are obviously the intended control devices to be imposed on the population by using this Bogus Pandemic as a means to an end.
    Logic dictates that, only people who are ill with a contagious disease should be quarantined.
    Not the whole population, That is the small end of the wedge of Tyranny.

  2. Illuminatti lackey. Treasonous behaviour. There is no virus. It's all a lie. Research the death figures in the UK or anywhere. Less people have died so far this year WITH the virus figures included, than died by this time last year when there was no virus (I looked at the official UN death figures for 2019 and 2020 in the UK, Spain and Italy). Where are all the bodies? Why are the hospitals empty. Look at the videos, unless they've been taken down. OOH look, a swingometer. What fun. This is how they want to talk to really stupid people. Why has a UK family just been outraged by the hospital authorities putting cause of death as Covid 19 on the death certificate of a relative who, being admitted to hospital with terminal cancer and, having been tested negative for covid, then died of that cancer. In the US hospitals are paid approx. $3000 for registering a death. They get about $13,000 for doing a Covid 19 test, but they get about $31,000 for putting C19 as the cause of death, on the death certificate. Figure all this out for yourselves and then listen to this man with clenched fists trying to appeal to your very soul to allow him him to take you all to a very dark place.

  3. This whole charade makes my blood run cold. The, "we don't care if you believe us or not, here swallow this BS", which is the exact same feeling I had when, after the 911 attack in America, the official report, expected everyone to believe that burning paraffin could melt metal and cause 3 buildings to collapse in an identical manner, in on themselves. Maybe in a parallel universe where steel melts way below 1000 degrees C.

  4. And the more tests they do the manipulation of the rate of infection can easily inflate. How random and unscientific use of data to fit whatever the latest agenda is. ‘ we have a plan’ ……. says boris !!! ??

  5. I was just watching something about the second wave of the Spanish flu and how many it killed, I so hope history won't repeat itself because of his plans/confusing speech.

  6. Have a look at:
    Even 201
    "scenarios for the future of technology and international development" Rockefeller Foundation published in 2010 about the pandemic
    Watch Fall cabal 10 episodes
    Watch Out of shadows documentary film
    Watch interviews with: dr Rashid Buttar, Judy mikovits, Andrew Kaufman plus many more doctors who speak out!
    Investigate Bill gates and how he monopolized most of the health care industry around the world with governments included and the media

    Thank me later

  7. I can Brexit! What can you? What a disaster? What a tragedy! Enough is not enough – if the British People do not stop this disaster, chaos, tragedy since the Brexit disaster then the British people do not deserve better and have to pay the price. But the time is too late! The UK even overtakes Italy and Spain – and the Brits do nothing and sleep until they have to die! Coronavirus punishes the British people! They have voted for these clowns and they have believed in clowns – but what are clowns, if they ruin the country if whole young British generations will pay the price for the next 500 years and there is no future? This is not funny!. The British people now do not accept that they have made a big mistake, and they have to pay – unbelievable they even do not know why they have made a mistake! The clowns were wrong. The Brexit was wrong. But this time the virus is so dangerous that you can afford any mistakes. The UK will disappear – no question! Or do the British people believe that there is a future for the UK and Brexit Britain? Oh no – stop the clowns or this time you have to face the reality – the reality of a virus that does not know clowns! But now it is too late – even the Eu can not help Britain and the UK. Poor Britain! A Tragedy for Britain!

  8. I honestly do not understand why he wants to re open schools for young children who do not have the capacity to understand what social distancing is! 5 and 6 year olds will not understand how to social distance for the benefit of others. Moreover, if he does not want a second spike of COVID-19, shouldn’t we tighten the regulations of self isolation instead of loosening them? ??

  9. STAY ALERT….like you can see the virus pounce like a tiger would, CONTROL THE VIRUS…..Err no you cannot, the virus decides the impact it has on you, so both really make sense from a total clueless brain dead government slogan. This could of been prevented a lot more, if they had got their fingers out weeks ago, everyone else was going into lock down, we kept going at the time we too should of went into lock down too, BRAIN DEAD GOVERNMENT who have a lot to answer for the poor people that have so far died and still are.

  10. The Government and mainstream media propaganda has been disgusting. Brainwashing people into thinking this virus is real.
    Government has admitted falsifying death certificates. The test being used should never be used for diagnosis of viruses. Anyone who had a flu shot would likely be positive. It doesn't test for viral load.
    People dying of other illnesses being wrongly assigned a covid death.
    Massive misinformation scam.
    Boris is owned by Bill Gates.


  12. NHS: I’m doing a good job, give me 5,000 pounds a week.
    Government: Nope how about 5000 claps a week, Just use your imagination and pretend it’s money.

  13. This virus has been so over-blown its unreal.
    Its now known, by leading Drs across the world that its death rate is very low, on the same scale as bad flu and those that are dying from it could quite easily have died from flu as well.
    Here are the latest facts if you do enough digging from medical announcements:
    * Death rate is very low, about 0.1%
    * No child has died from it.
    * Evidence suggests children don't pass on coronavirus.
    * The virus itself is now mutating into a more contageous form but is actually less deadly and weaker.
    * 80-85% of people wont suffer many symptoms at all.
    * half of people in the UK who have died from it have been in care homes where most are very old and have multiple health problems already.
    * The death rate in Sweden is no more than the UK despite not having a lockdown at all.
    * If there is a 2nd wave (which there may not be) then it will hardly affect Sweden as most of the population would have had herd immuntiy and therefore be immune.
    * A lot of people in the UK are already immune due to the fact the virus was here and in France back in December 2019.
    * People will continue to die. Thats life. You cant save everyone and people need to realise this. And before anyone says 'yes but not before their time' well what is 'their time'? Its an irrelevant argument because NOBODY knows when their time is. Everyome assumes they will reach 80 but thats simply not the case.
    The UK government needs to stop pandering to the liberal media, start opening the country back up and stop trying to prevent every death because its just not possible.

  14. Its easy to understand. Jesus fekin christ, liberals need their hands held every minute of the day.
    Sweden have it right. They wont get a 2nd wave now because they will all have herd immunity.
    The UK needs to end lockdown right now. People will die, so what, thats life.

  15. The government is not serious. People still come into the country by the tens of thousand. No quarantine, not tested. I will not take these utter clowns seriously. Ignore them and ignore the moron IQ level thugs they call a police force which they use to enforce their squirt boy fantasies of control. It is not about the disease. It never was.


  17. Don't misunderstand him. The scale is how LIKELY you are to get infected. Not 'how much you have to social distance' he words it like he wants you to go out and get it 😐

  18. British Trump is also a malignant narcissistic personality refusing to wear a face mask, as are the zombies who are enabling him to rule. By ending the lockdown he is all to willing to let his Brexit people die for business and the economy and so he thinks he can defeat the European Union.

  19. We're not defeating the virus. The numbers will very soon rocket again. Just watch.
    And what are we doing to make the vile, evil CCP pay for all this?

  20. What he's really saying is…. The government's FAILED MISERABLY on PPE, testing and tracing, so the plan is SACRIFICE SOME THE HERD.
    Sacrifice the manual workers, the essential workers, and in particular THE NHS WORKERS and THE ELDERLY.
    England is one if the richest economies in the word but doesn't even come in the top 30 for testing per head of population and is second only to the USA for total deaths.

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