
财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)与克里斯·华莱士(Chris Wallace)一起接受了“周日福克斯新闻”的独家采访。


FOX新闻频道(FNC)是一个24小时无所不包的新闻服务,提供重大新闻以及政治和商业新闻。 FNC是有线网络中排名第一的网络,已连续18年成为收视率最高的电视新闻频道。根据2020年品牌钥匙消费者忠诚度参与度指数报告,FOX News是该国早晚新闻报道的顶级品牌。萨福克大学(Suffolk University)于2019年进行的一项民意调查将FOX新闻评为电视新闻或评论的最值得信赖的来源,而2019年品牌钥匙情感参与度分析调查发现,FOX News是最受信赖的有线新闻品牌。盖洛普/奈特基金会(Gallup / Knight Knight Foundation)在2017年进行的一项调查还发现,在可以说出客观新闻来源的美国人中,FOX News是被引用最多的媒体。由FOX Corporation拥有的FNC可以在近9000万个家庭中使用,并在有线电视新闻领域占据主导地位,通常成为该类别中排名前十位的节目。

Bret Baier的特别报道:
玛莎·麦克卡勒姆(Martha Maccallum)的故事:
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):
Fox News @ Night:


  1. The payroll tax cut are payment for those who are willing to die for the Trump economy so that he can win in November. So transparent. There's not enough money in this world to pay me for that.

  2. His covering the big companies Not the people , we all going through a lot stress and economic issues he said $1,200 is enough . Because his rich “ We the people “ moron

  3. Yeah Chris Wallace you don't want to come roaring back so you'll look good you're stupid remark you jerk you want our president to fail in the water break this country down

  4. Go to work you freaking liberalDr muciaccia businessman he needs to make money to support people like you liberals quit try to steal it from from him

  5. amen he's a good businessman he needs to open up and start making money more than what the Democrats do with the government's not going to support you the rest of your life is $2,000 a month

  6. 2:15 is a lie. This is the fault of businesses not looking out for their employees by building up a rainy day fund. They just kicked their staff into the street and said "good luck".

  7. Well go down the hall and tell your boss to open the country, if the states refuse get the AG involved. What is the big deal? Where are the pardons for the barbers in Texas? This public health disaster was used as a power grab on all levels. Break down the populace and they will beg for tyrants.

  8. Here is a thought.
    Terrible response to Covid 19 By the President.
    80,000 deaths ad still climbing.
    Mass unemployment,
    Open up economy, continued lives lost,

  9. Yes dear government please take your time and continue to give your money to those who don't need it if you should sign or agree upon signing a stimulus it should be for those who are living in poverty. I can only dream about making 50,000 a hundred thousand a year I can also only dream that I would have gotten my first stimulus can also drain that I wouldn't be filing for disability yet I am one of those who have not been approved for anything but again yes I understand you're in no rush I appreciate that because it will always end up in the wrong hands anyway!

  10. chris wallace and mnuchin on FOX: mm i would rather ask tony "anecdotal" fauci whether or not he wants to see the Donald lead us forward. ..get what i'm sayinn'??

  11. Show my son the money Steve! And that old couple living on a mountain, they haven't gotten their stolen tax returned yet either! Lol! What a joke! All the dirty liberals got theirs! Keep those scumrats happy! And lose your base.

  12. Tim- US ARMY VET – go to Instagram – They is a video on Dr. Fauci.
    Even He says….that wearing masks?
    Will not help you out.
    See! I try to tell everyone in this country.
    And what did people tell me on the Net?
    Go take my meds?
    Use your….minds. Would you.

  13. Republicans finally realize Trump will drag them under coming November.

    Senate Republican whip John Cornyn:
    “I think the one issue in this campaign — this particular election — is going to be how did we respond to this crisis? I think all other considerations are going to be secondary,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), who twice ran the Senate GOP’s campaign arm and is on the ballot this fall. “If you’re an incumbent, you can demonstrate how you would react to the crisis by actually doing it.”

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