


  1. I mean.. Kinda glad TNA hasn't died, but honestly, GFW isn't gonna survive for long. I'd much rather see the guys on there go to WCPW or another promotion. I wouldn't do WWE because theres too much going on there atm. Unless wwe announces a third brand (Talking like Main brands, Raw, SDL)

  2. I've supported this company for over a decade like it's my football team, even when it's shit I'll still watch every week hoping it'll get better. sometimes it does. had genuine hope for the future about this time last year with Corgan more or less running things but I'm really starting to lose faith

  3. you knowe more about wrestling news morethen these people do anyway what they put is false reports some otherwrestling videros about wwe and gfw impactwrestlingistrue

  4. keep your social justice warrioring to yourself.besides you have no place talking about America while your country is becoming a third world Muslim shithole

  5. "Watch the likes of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and the dozens of other incredible wrestlers who are now in the WWE or NJPW!"

  6. Grab your popcorn folks, everyone gets a front row seats to T.N.A…I mean, Impact wres……GFW make the final slow descent to bankruptcy. Just looking at how much money WWE lost initially when the WWE network launched. Unless some sort of miracle happens, this is just them overestimating themselves again. Like when they thought, bringing in Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair and decided they were going to move to Monday nights to compete directly against Raw. They're just gonna end up with a bunch of their top talent (not named Alberto or Sexy Star) end up in ROH and Shimmer

  7. I can see anything good from TNA I still haven't seen on a lazy Sunday afternoon! That'll probably be an additional 30 days of nothing though. :/

  8. You guys need to cut GFW some slack I mean they give the people who deserve pushes pushes unlike vince because they don't care about whether you a big sweaty man ?

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