主要名称离开TNA / GFW!与WWE签下的前ROH巨星! | WrestleTalk新闻2017年9月

在2017年9月的WrestleTalk新闻中,主要名称离开了TNA / GFW,与WWE一起获得了巨大的前ROH标志,更多…
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杰夫·贾瑞特(Jeff Jarrett)在GFW公告前发布推文-https://twitter.com/RealJeffJarrett/status/905024816645853186

GFW宣布Jeff Jarrett将“无限期休假”-http://impactwrestling.com/gfw-update/

为什么GFW通过PWInsider将Jeff Jarrett放假-https://www.pwinsider.com/article/112128/what-led-to-todays-jarrett-exit-gfw-ownership-ripple-effect-thus- far-reactions-and-more.html?p = 1

Jeff Jarrett通过F4WOnline的AAA行为-http://www.f4wonline.com/tna-news/jeff-jarrett-taking-indefinite-leave-absence-role-gfw-242291

Donovan Dijak与WWE签约-http://www.wwe.com/shows/wwenxt/article/donovan-dijak-wwe-performance-center?sf111668535=1


  1. Wait. So how is Jeff Jarrett even being criticised for screaming at an employee who booked his hotel incorrectly? Do you not understand that that is what typically happens when an employee fucks up on his boss's account? Yes or no? So that doesn't even makes sense. That employee should've been fired outright while you're splitting hairs on whether or not Jeff Jarrett was in the wrong thank you very much! End of discussion

  2. Personally why would you have a damn near 50 year old Jeff Jarrett that's out of shape wrestling. I think it's a work to let him put his focus into training, but that's just me.

  3. i can't say much about the Jarrett's of the past in the wrestling industry but i can see why Vince wants nothing to do with double J and i would actually be interested in a Jarrett-less promotion if Anthem weed out the cancer. the only vision Jeff has ever had is slapping nuts and stroking his ego.

  4. Fan theory: "What if Jeff Jarrett taking a leave from impact/gfw is WWE buying tna and Jarret makes his first appearance in WWE since WCW … crazy"

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