2017年7月在奥兰多举行的GFW / Impact摔角比赛中的统一淘汰赛冠军冠军冠军杯冠军

在佛罗里达州奥兰多环球影城(Universal Studios)的撞击区为流行电视制作的录像带电视录像带中,GFW /冲击摔跤的冠军冠军赛因娜(Sienna)接受了采访。来自底特律的现年29岁的西耶娜(Sienna)讨论了一些话题,包括她精心制作的齿圈,起步业务以及她在历史上赢得罗斯玛丽(Rosemary)的历史性胜利,以统一在周日的Slammiversary XV按次付费观看全球摔跤和冲击摔跤的女子冠军头衔, 7月2日从影响区。

  1. I was enjoying the interview until she said what her FB was. Then i was like WTF! Thats simple alright, kinda gangsta too. I would change that to pinkyup or something else. She is very talented and im glad Kim gave her the rub. I think Kim was the orig who put the nockouts on the map wrestling wise. With Love and kong (only big lady that really knew how to work as that character IMHO. Shame she didn't last longer in WWE though.
    I wished she get rid of the skunk hair. Im just not a fan of that look. Its so distracting.
    But she is an amazing talent. Her and Allie would be a good program next. get Rosemary back in the chase. So other women can get a rub off her.

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