Mirror’s Edge Catalyst-“我们为什么要运行”发射预告片| PS4

在http://www.mirrorsedge.com上了解更多信息。格拉斯市的时代即将改变。熟练的跑步者信念康纳斯(Faith Connors)几乎没有受到少年拘留,因此与这座城市的集团公司和邪恶的加布里埃尔·克鲁格(Gabriel Kruger)产生了共鸣。信仰被迫开始追求比自己重要的事情。体验信仰的起源故事,掌握她穿越城市并抵抗压迫力量的势头。探索原始的市区,您会发现新朋友,激动人心的任务和隐藏的秘密。使用Social Play,您可以通过在屋顶之间进行计时赛来挑战您的朋友。 Mirror’s Edge Catalyst将于2016年6月7日上市。
订阅以观看所有Mirror’s Edge Catalyst视频:http://bit.ly/MEC
订阅查看更多Mirror’s Edge Catalyst游戏预告片:http://bit.ly/MECVideos

©2016 Electronic Arts Inc. Mirrors Edge是Electronic Arts Inc.的商标。

  1. don't bother with this game
    just play dying light instead
    that game truly evolved free running gameplay

    this game is just a bland cash grab from ea with hardly any improvements

  2. This looks so dope. I've been waiting so long. 8 years… When did that happen? This makes me feel like I'll die tomorrow, SERIOUSLY

  3. I would love to write a speech about how hyped and exited i am for Catalyst and how great the original was as well but i need to say that Faith is thicc

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