
哈萨克斯坦亚历山大·维努库洛夫(Alexander Vinokurov)在2012年伦敦奥运会期间男子公路赛中获胜的要点。


  1. типична муцуна и "морал" на гнило и хитростна руска степна лисица. Един от състезателите по колоездене – хванат в допинга (но много по-рядко уловен, отколкото в действителност получава допинг), той също така купи "победите" … един мошеник състезател … Но муцуната казва много, е. ..

  2. A lot of people accuse Uran of acting in this finale, and that Vino bought or otherwise coerced victory from the Colombian. This is what I saw:

    1) In the final 500 metres, Uran is constantly exchanging glances between Vino and the chase group, one over either shoulder.
    2) The two are swaying back and forth a bit across the road, and one time when they swung right, Vino kept going a bit before launching while Uran went left, thinking Vino wouldn't go so far out.
    3) The last look over Uran's left shoulder was not for Vino, but rather to verify that the chase group would not catch. As he was moving to the left, and Vino was to Uran's right up to that point, it's fair to assume that Uran expected his companion was still to his right.
    4) The Mall is wide. Once Uran looked forward again, he wouldn't have (and didn't) caught Vino in his peripheral vision until he was maybe 5-10 metres ahead (which was pretty much the gap when Uran responded).

    Not to say that I support Vino by any means, but I just want for Uran not to be caught in these negative implications which are all speculative.

  3. one of the worst displays at the Olympics ever. Uran helped Vinokurov all the way, he was only looking at the chasing group. you can even see them talk. a gold medal is Kazachstan is worth a lot more than in columbia. this is not sports, this is rubbish

  4. как красиво он его!!!! молодец, супер!!!! он наш из Казахстана, он вырос в Бишкуле, его родители до сих пор там живут, он тренировался и стал чемпионом, он казахстанец!!! вот кого надо прославлять они должны руководить страной!!! а не воры чиновники позор нашей страны

  5. Саша Қазақ не говорите ерунду хотя он русски ну сердце его ?бёёёёёт для Нас. …ҚАЗАҚСТАН!!!?? АЛҒА АЛЕКБАЙ ЖАРАЙСЫҢ.

  6. Just look how Vino outraced the competitor! When Uran looked back, Vino started to accelerate from the other side. A quality of a real champ!

  7. I just think that uran let him to win… So obvious…. Just show the respect to vinokourov as the last competition and perfect ending

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