灰色发呆-制作“ B12”

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  1. Is this a joke ? We did not hear the original vocals.. wtf is wrong with you famous dead people trying to fool us every time

  2. Timeless lyrics, dope collaboration, and raw visceral performance. As always. It’s been nice to hear him again. I’ve been listening to this song over and over the last days. Thank you, Grey Daze. ??

  3. With the "anarchist outlook" his lyrics remind me a little like what scars on Broadway would do. Still very gifted. I love listening to this while being in the gym

  4. "World War 3", "CoRoNaViRiS!!!", racism, "murder hornet"?. You think I believe this shit?!?! You think I'm fucking stupid?!?!

    Chester was wise man. RIP

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