我们将改变什么? 6个月懒惰发呆C&RV装修评论

Laze Daze RV翻新如何进行? 我们会改变什么? 我们购买了在2019年8月使用的二手2005 Lazy Daze C类房车并进行了翻新。 房车翻新不是一件容易的事,但是所有这些压力值得吗? 在今天的视频中,我们讨论了Lazy Daze教练和RV翻新所遇到的任何问题。 我们还讨论了我们将要或计划改变的事情。 *时间戳记:*第1部分:RV和维修成本教练信息00:55发动机维修01:35水泵和冰箱维修06:23阶梯和热水器维修07:33维修和RV总成本08:01 __________第2部分:装修评论08:53油漆09:21地板和修剪11:41后挡板14:23餐桌和餐桌椅15:27沙发和边桌17:04窗帘18:16床垫20:40空调21:57通风扇22:56 _________第3部分:我们将改变什么31:31 __________ *更多视频,照片和信息在这里!*您知道会员链接对我们有很大帮助吗?! 使用我们的会员链接无需花费任何额外费用,我们将获得少量的销售收入。 根据会员的不同,您甚至可能获得折扣! 这是双赢! 我们提供信息,我们的时间和我们诚实的意见,您无论如何都要购买要去的东西,并使用我们的链接告诉我们谢谢购买! 这对保持内容的连续性有很大帮助! -Thomas&Stacy *会员链接* *来自亚马逊的装修物品:* https://www.amazon.com/shop/imnotlostimrving?listId=IMXO2FTIISR8&ref=idea_share_inf * RecPro Furniture :(折扣码:NOTLOST)* https:// www .recpro.com /?referral = NOTLOST *床垫内部人员:* http://mattressinsider.refr.cc/notlost * Continuous Resources Solar:* http://www.continuousresources.com?aff=14 * BlueOxTowBars.com折扣代码:notlost2020 *(将于12/31/2020到期)https://www.blueoxtowbars.com/ * Amazon主页:* http://amzn.to/2xEyYb3 *视频* * RV更新系列:* https:// www。 youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeWe9so3BqDuuBw​​GNxtVWLgbDQA1eGYxT * RV RENO由EPISODE:* * EP 1 *绘画内部:https://youtu.be/339brOJBGLw * EP 2 *新楼层:https://youtu.be/l1z4IhyufQY * EP 3 *扇子更换:https://youtu.be/-TednL76AF8 * EP 4 *新RecPro沙发:https://youtu.be/ercR0GzgpWI * EP 5 * Furrion Chill AC安装:https://youtu.be/ PKaF2D5MMIc * EP 6 *最近的几个项目:https://youtu.be/n3QLvbHqqGQ * EP 7 *我们的完美太阳能套装U p:https://youtu.be/eASyRkkII_Q * EP 8 *大启示与RV导览:https://youtu.be/7nhqMXeZguE *社会媒体链接和相册* * Patreon:* https://www.patreon。 com / imnotlostimrving * Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/imnotlostimrving/ * Facebook:* https://www.facebook.com/ImNotLostImRVing/ * Facebook Lazy Daze Pre-Reno Album:* https:// www .facebook.com / pg / ImNotLostImRVing / photos /?tab = album&album_id = 705053909974579&ref = page_internal * Facebook吉普牧马人专辑:* https://www.facebook.com/pg/ImNotLostImRVing/photos/?tab=album&album_id=680527732427197 *视频:* *吉普车漫步视频:* https://youtu.be/eE1BbVWdP44 * Itasca评论视频:* https://youtu.be/pB9zbGPXLzk *购买前要看的内容:* https://youtu.be / Gln6qnUd8AE *重新密封屋顶:* https://youtu.be/hHfUVntLZJ4 __________________________________________________________________是否希望实时更新或访问我们的秘密FACEBOOK组? ?然后在Patreon上加入我们:https://www.patreon.com/imnotlostimrving或?免费在FB或IG上关注我们:网站:http://www.imnotlostimrving.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook .com / ImNotLostImRVing / Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/imnotlostimrving/ __________________________________________________________________寻找我们最喜欢的齿轮还是想要某些商品? Our️我们最喜欢的Amazon Gear:https://www.amazon.com/shop/imnotlostimrving/?衬衫和更多商品:https://teespring.com/zh-CN/stores/im-not-lost-im-rving __________________________________________________________________一个问题或想与我们联系? ?常见问题:http://www.imnotlostimrving.com/faqs/?联系人信息:http://www.imnotlostimrving.com/social-media/ __________________________________________________________________ affiliate什么是会员链接? 这是您帮助喜爱的创作者的一种方式! 使用我们的链接不会花费您任何钱,我们将获得少量的销售收入。 这是双赢! 我们提供信息,我们的时间和我们诚实的意见,无论如何您购买了您要去的东西,并通过我们的链接告诉我们谢谢! ✪-Thomas和〜Stacy〜披露:我们会因使用我们的会员链接而获得补偿。 作为亚马逊合作伙伴,我们从符合条件的购买中赚钱。 #rvlife #rvrenovation #lazydazeyreno。

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    Renovation Items From Amazon:
    RecPro Furniture: (Discount Code: NOTLOST )
    Mattress Insider: http://mattressinsider.refr.cc/notlost
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    EP 1 Painting The Inside: https://youtu.be/339brOJBGLw
    EP 2 New Floors: https://youtu.be/l1z4IhyufQY
    EP 3 Dinette Replacement: https://youtu.be/-TednL76AF8
    EP 4 New RecPro Sofas: https://youtu.be/ercR0GzgpWI
    EP 5 Furrion Chill AC Install: https://youtu.be/PKaF2D5MMIc
    EP 6 The Last Few Projects: https://youtu.be/n3QLvbHqqGQ
    EP 7 Our Perfect Solar Set Up: https://youtu.be/eASyRkkII_Q
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  2. Your 6.0 has a notorious problem with the #4 injector. Mostly it's the electrical wires inside of the valve cover going to the injectors. The wires short out and gives false negatives when you put a computer to it to check the engine.

  3. Great job on the renovation. Are you guys in Oregon? I think I saw your rig, or one just like it pass in front of me as I was leaving a Walgreens today. I remembered thinking, wow what a nice looking Lazy Days. If not, they too were pulling a Jeep. I am currently at a Thousand Trails park and really enjoying the Oregon Coast. Well, thanks for the great video and perhaps we'll bump in to each other down the road!

  4. I've just discovered your channel so perhaps you've done this and I don't know. It would be nice to see the entire interior as a tour of the inside. It would only take a few extra minutes to do that; otherwise, thanks for all the info

  5. Anout your paint on your RV. Here is what automotive repair shops do to renew a paint surface. Go on Amazon and order a "Clay Rag" in Fine. A clay rag removes all road particles instantly. They are not cheap, costing about $50. To use, use the clay rag as you wash your rig. I use mine on my cars, truck and motorcycle. Dip the rag in a bucket if soapy water, rinse frequently. Dont be afraid, when you use the clay rag ut might feel like uts scratching the surface or even grinding tge paint off. Don't worry, all its doing is removing impurities from your paint. It WILL NOT scratch your paint. However, try not to drop it on the ground, you want to keep your clay rag clean and free from dirt particles. It it gets dirty, clean it well before use. You will be amazed how well it makes your paint look and feel. It will make it look super good and smooth. You can use it on all of your vehicles. Dont use it to remove tar ir grease, it will clog up your rag. Remove heavy debris first such as tar, mud or grease. You will be very happy with the results. I accidently got oaint overspray on my motorcycle, my gray rag took it iff really easy. No need to push hard, as you wipe with the clay rag, you will instantly feel your oaint become very smooth like new. Paint picks up impurities as you drive. It will not fix chips or heavy scratches. Its the best money you can spend for your paint. No need to wax. Clay Rags come in fine, med and course. Buy the fine. I bought all three, never use anything except the fine. I use it on my 2019 corvette. It works great, no damage no issues and its very easy. You will not regret buying a clay rag.

  6. You may be aware of Long Lost Honeymoon.
    The guy did the bullet proof on his truck engine. You don't need to do the complete job. You can do some upgrades.
    Beautiful remodeling.

  7. It will get softer. My folks bought a mattress that I told my mom, was like sleeping on a slab of concrete! 29 years later, it is still in good shape, but softer!

  8. I have read online of Lazy Daze owners having their Dual pane fogged windows repaired with success, rather than replacing them at a considerable savings.

  9. I suggest replacing all the static photos with used tablets running slideshows. Space saver, lots of photos rather than one, video, audio, good for holiday “decorations” too.

  10. Hey! Good video, you two. You know, all the DIY and product reviews on your channel and others are extremely helpful. I also see that your subscribership is growing nicely. Congrats to you! Happy travels!

  11. Have you tried polishing the exterior? Use 1 or 2 grades of polishing compound with a professional grade dual action polisher. Nicks can be touched up. Then apply wax, depending on underlying condition of finish this process can make a huge difference.

  12. Wow, it turned out great! I remember watching the reno videos and y’all had some reservations about things. Y’all did well! Congratulations!

  13. Great video y'all…
    I love the coverage and honesty of it all… y'all are still our favorite RV YouTube creators…
    * * *
    We're here in Brandon, FL … for a couple of weeks… letting our granddaughter and her mom (our daughter) get reacquainted… (grin)
    We took her to NC for spring break in MAR and she has been up there with us every since then… so we're here now and then back to NC with us for summer vacation…LOL
    * * *
    Good to see y'all are back safely in the ??? ??? ?????… (wink)
    Nice to see y'all are healthy and living large… doing everything you can to stay happy and sharing your recorded/documented adventures with the rest of us.
    Mr. Kitty looks like he's enjoying being on the road with his best friends and watching as the world goes by just outside the window… whenever he decides too stay awake…
    OR perhaps just keeping one eye open… LOL
    * * *
    Clear skies, light winds, and smooth roads. . .
    * * *
    Aloha y'all. . .
    * * *
    Until that time. . .

  14. Isn’t the bed area uncomfortable or claustrophobic? I would think the rear bed is a lot roomier. Besides the guests can sleep in the cabover. They wouldn’t stay long hehe.

  15. You can have your windows fixed on the spot…Don't replace them. google it. foggy RV window repair. No compo toilet for this guy. This time of year in ID,WY you can only stay in one spot for five days at a time.

  16. I enjoyed your latest video about how the changes you’ve made are working, but I was surprised that you didn’t mention all the solar/inverter/charger changes you made to improve you RV, and better enable you to be boondocking off
    the grid. Looking forward to that video!

  17. As you said you have had a few RVs BUT that is where experience comes from. I also want to mention the better quality not only of your video, but from you both. Your presentation in this video was enjoyable and your sharing broke it up from dragging on. (Bad term but listening to one person for a long time gets tiring) You both are so much more relaxed in front of the camera. I love your Lazy Daze and all you have done with it. Your research paid off in so many ways. The costs were great to know and you did save a lot and obviously made a good deal in the end saving around $74,000. Keep it up on the video's, I predict you both will get pulled up as often as KYD, Less Junk more Journey, LOLOHO, and your friends Fate Unbound. Thanks I enjoyed it. Bruce Matthews / full time /disabled vet.

  18. We just love your channel. We get more useful info from you guys than anyone. And we appreciate it. Love your new motorhome and what you have done to it. And that is not to even mention your trips which are great. I wanted to mention something that we talked about regarding Verizon MiFi's a while back. I remember you guys flew someplace and left your MiFi turned on to run your security camera. I asked about overheating as someone warned me they don't like to be plugged in constantly. I think you might have the same truly unlimited plan that I have. New plans crank you down after 20 gig sometimes. Anyhow, mine shut off one time because of overheat. I plug in and unplug mine when charged all the time. I have found that it gets very hot sometimes and found that a little personal desktop fan helps it a lot. I leave the fan pointed at it 24hrs. Helps it a lot!

  19. Screw the naysayers. What you two have done to the interior of your rig is beautiful. Oil paint over a great acrylic latex? Baloney. Latex cleans up very nicely as you both have no doubt discovered.

  20. Thanks to you, I have had Matt at Continuous Resources do an incredible installation of solar that is patterned after yours. Matt has some pictures of it that I think you might like to see, if so, reach out to Matt @ Continues Resorces, and again thanks for the inspiration! I also got the video about the refrigerator switch, thanks

  21. I'm interested in the recpro couch. Have you.slept on them for an extended time? Are they still comfortable? I am thinking of replacing my bed with a recpro jackknife to make more room in my bedroom.

  22. Good for you. I took out my flush toilet and put in a composting just for that reason. Now I have a 40 gallon plus 30 gallon big grey tank. And i do plumb the urine into the black tank so no carring out a bucket for me. I love mine and am really glad I did it. I built my own and am going to rebuild the box soon to make it a curved box so there is more room. Lots of designs out there if you want to build one. Nice video. Have fun!!

  23. Have you looked into just replacing the window glass and not the whole window? I just bought a 2005 rear bath and have one window erring fogged. Have not checked on it yet

  24. Nice job on the renovation and how you like/dislike what you did. On the paint, personally, latex is the way to go and a good primer to start with. On the flooring Thomas, there are colored caulk that I would use for those hard to get around and cut places on the floor. It will match up much better that those sharp pieces you added. I installed the rubber flooring from Lowe's and it clicks together and can be glued down, so no movement with our slide coming in and out. Without the slide, yes, floating floors will work. Overall, you both did a nice job. We will have to meet up again and we can share our renovations, since our Foretravel is a 20 year old coach and has been updated as well.

  25. Enjoyed the video and all your upgrades. I have a 2002 26.5' white and red/maroon Lazy Daze, Rear Kitchen model. I was dealing with the faded paint job as well. I paid a guy to compound and wax it for me and it looked worse after he finished. I tried to find someone to paint it, but no one had a booth large enough, except for one guy and he wanted $10,000.00 and said he would need to keep it for a month. NOT!! I also looked into getting it wrapped, but found no one was excited to do that either. A fellow that I hired to inspect the roof and re-caulk for me, told me about this product that one of his clients had used and he said it looked really good. He was able to borrow a bit of it from this fellow, and he came over and put it on the red and maroon area in a strip about 6 inches wide. It looked nice and shiny. Like it had brought the paint back. So I have been on the road now for 6 months, and it still looked good so I ordered the kit from Amazon and did the whole coach (just the red and maroon area, as the white still looked OK). It is so much nicer now. Several of the other people in the campground watched and liked it so much, they have purchased and put this on to their older coaches as well. It is called Poli-Glow. Comes in a kit with everything you need. Easy to put on, just follow the instructions. No buffing required. I would happily share before and after photos with you, but not sure how to do that. I'm certainly no longer embarrassed about the appearance of my coach. It is something that could tide you over until the time you decided to re-paint.

  26. We have double pane windows in our sticks n brick. When the gas in between the panes go bad they get foggy. We call a glass guy n he comes and reseals the window and puts a kinda gas in there. Works great and is cheaper than replacing the windows. Maybe you could check on this for your rv.

  27. Hi guys!! Looks like the third time is the charm. I’m glad everything is holding up on the reno. You guys did really great job on it. I loved the K-cups hanger when I saw it and got us one too. Love ? it! Great job on the curtains very creative. We also purchased a mattress from Mattress Insider. We have a blowup queen size mattress on our sofa hide-a-bed. It’s not to bad to sleep on for company, but when we just take the cushions off it is a great over resized twin. We bought a mattress to fit and love it. Just wanted to let you know when we purchase from Amazon we use your link. Hope you had a nice visit with Stacy’s mom. Stay safe and happy travels!! Miss you guys! ??

  28. Thomas and Stacy, always enjoy the videos, I used the Fog Dr. in Searcy Ar. to reseal the original window’s in our motorhome, still clear after 3 yearsish

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