
Braess悖论是网络理论出乎意料的结果。 它指出增加容量实际上可能会减慢网络速度。 Braess Paradox适用于高速公路,这意味着某些道路的存在会减慢交通速度,或者说封闭一些道路会加快交通速度。 Braess Paradox还可以解释NBA和体育比赛中的“ Ewing Paradox”,即明星球员可能会伤害球队的罪行。 物理中还有一些应用,以及一对弦在重力作用下的伸展距离。 Braess Paradox的结果是个别驾驶员正在寻求最快的道路,并且当所有驾驶员都做出相同的选择时,道路就会拥挤(这是博弈论中纳什均衡的一个例子)。 效率低下是缺乏协调的结果,因此被称为“无政府状态的代价”。 视频第42街封闭交通中的引用改善了http://www.nytimes.com/1990/12/25/health/what-if-they-closed-42d-street-and-nobody-noticed.html纽约市地图数据: Google Maps(Bluesky,DigitalGlobe,Landsat,Sanborn,USDA农场服务局)波士顿地图数据:Google Maps(Google,Sanborn),伦敦地图数据:Google Maps(Bluesky,DigitalGlobe,Getmapping plc,Infoterra Ltd&Bluesky,GeoInformation Group)纽约市,波士顿和伦敦的封闭道路http://arxiv.org/pdf/0712.1598v4.pdf“交通网络中无政府状态的价格”。 Hyejin Youn,Michael T.Gastner,Hawoong Jeong。 关于交通规划悖论(2005年英文论文)http://www.nytimes.com/1990/12/25/health/what-if-they-closed-42d-street-and-nobody-noticed.html 1968年论文德文http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Dietrich.Braess/paradox.pdf求解北部/南部路线驾驶员数量的数学方法http://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2009/01/06 / why-the-secret-to-speedier-highway-might-be-closing-some-roads-the-braess-paradox / Braess悖论字符串http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMrYlspifuo的夜灯美国(NASA)http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=79800电网纸http://phys.org/news/2012-10-power-grid-blackouts-braess-paradox。 html尤因理论(“篮球无政府状态的代价”,布莱恩·斯金纳(Brian Skinner))http://arxiv.org/pdf/0908.1801v4.pdf足球与布雷斯悖论http://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2014/06/24/ the-braess-paradox-in-soccer-how-team-be-be-to-better-with-with-it-best-scorer /如果您喜欢我的视频,可以在Patreon支持我:http://www.patreon .com / mindyou rdecisions连接社交媒体。 当我有新的视频或博客文章时,我会更新每个站点,因此您可以按照我最方便的方法关注我。 我的博客:http://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/preshtalwalkar Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mind-Your-Decisions/168446714965 Google+:https:/ /plus.google.com/108336608566588374147/posts Pinterest:https://www.pinterest.com/preshtalwalkar/ Tumblr:http://preshtalwalkar.tumblr.com/ Instagram:https://instagram.com/preshtalwalkar/ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/mindyourdecisions通讯(每年发送约2次):http://eepurl.com/KvS0r我的书“游戏理论的喜悦”展示了如何使用数学来思考自己的问题竞争。 (在23条评论中被评为4/5星)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1500497444“非理性幻觉:如何做出明智的决定并克服偏见”是一本手册,解释了我们偏颇的许多方式有关决策的知识,并提供做出明智决策的技术。 (在1条评论中获得5/5星的评价)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1523231467/“数学拼图第1卷”具有经典的脑筋急转弯和谜语,并为计数,几何,概率,和博弈论。 第1卷在11条评论中被评为4.5 / 5星。 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517421624/“ Math Puzzles Volume 2”是一本续集,存在更多重大问题。 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517531624/“数学难题第3卷”是该系列的第三篇。 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517596351/“逻辑,概率和博弈论中的40个悖论”包含发人深省和反直觉的结果。 (在7条评论中获得4.9 / 5星的评分)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517319307/“最佳心理数学技巧”教您如何解决头脑中的问题,使自己看起来像数学天才4.7 / 5颗星(3条评论))https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/150779651X/“通过画线相乘数字”这本书是我的视频的参考指南,该视频在几何方法上有超过一百万次观看将数字相乘。 (在1条评论中评分5/5星)https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1500866148/。

  1. I would love to see the real traffic analysis that resulted in the road removal because this explanation does not apply directly. There is no such thing as a road that, when traveled by only one car and being the same length as a 20-minute road, takes only 1/10 of a minute to drive. I have no doubt that the reason was directly similar, but I would like to see the actual math.

  2. Tho adding such a road will benefit everyone when the number of travellers are say… 100 and say… 600

    In the first case ppl just take t/10 and t/10 leading to 20min travel
    In the more than 400 case, its obvious everyone is going for 20/20 which is better than the previous case

    Both these wonderful solutions may not be possible without the road that connects the 2 intermediate points

    U can plot a graph to find the point where the proportional lines meets the constant lines

    The critical points being 150 and 400

  3. It is the general human nature to take the fastest route possible, isnt that logical?

    U going on the T/10 route affects the society while u are going faster whereas u are slower in the flat 20 route but u dont cause congestion for others.
    Id say its similar to the prisoner dilemma problem where u connect the 2 ppl by making their decision affect the other
    (its not a perfect analogy but u get the point)

    I guess it would be easier to understand with 175 drivers instead of 200
    everything makes more sense that way

  4. ahem. The first example assumes a lot of stuff. If the driver's would estimate the time locally then the answer would be different. More specifically, the bottom road would get ALL the traffic. (the first half of the bottom road would be faster until the last driver takes the bottom road)

  5. The reason this works in real life is NOT because of mathematical stuff. It's pure psychology: people prefer to take popular/distinctive streets over side streets. Therefore, traffic isn't evenly disbursed like it should be.

  6. a road of 0 time has no length therefore you put all your 200 people onto one road instead of splitting them into two, that is why it took 30 minutes for 100 people but 40 minutes for 200 people to get from A to B.

    I can't believe you posted this with your fancy pencil work

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