在廉价的虚拟服务器上进行DIY VPN服务,在Linux上使用Wireguard VPN作为openvpn的替代方案

在本集中,我们将设置自己的VPN服务。 我住在德国,但在美国租了一个服务器,在上面安装了VPN软件,可以通过Windows或Mac或Linux客户端连接到它,或者可以快速扫描QR码以与iPhone连接。 简而言之,您将以每月1美元的价格在廉价的虚拟服务器上构建自己的VPN服务,在Linux上安装Wireguard vpn并从家庭网络或其他任何地方访问它0:01简介2:30提供者选择5:00设置该软件9:00呼吁采取行动和脚本详细信息脚本位于我的github存储库中:https://github.com/onemarcfifty/wireguard_vps_vpn在租用的服务器上构建您自己的廉价VPN服务。 尽管像Netflix这样的流媒体服务阻止了许多VPN提供商,但构建自己的VPN服务可能是在国外时流式传输Netflix内容的一种方式。 但是Netflix并不是您拥有自己的VPN服务的唯一原因。 通过使用自己的VPN服务来增加您的隐私是不受欢迎的副作用。 显然,如果您使用VPN进行游戏,则首选VPS上具有较低延迟的VPN。 在此视频中,我使用来自德国的美国服务器来更改地理位置。 这是以更高的延迟为代价的。 / Lizenzfreie Musik von https://www.terrasound.de/lizenzfreie-musik-fuer-youtube-videos/上的无许可证音乐。

  1. CALL TO ACTION – please let me know if you are using a VPN and why – which problem is the biggest concern for you ? Privacy ? Security ? Accessing home/office resources ? PLEASE WRITE A COMMENT – I am planning to do a couple more videos on VPN / Privacy and Security and it would be helpful to understand where your mind is 😉 Thanks guys !!!!

  2. I use a VPN to access my home network only. I setup Wireguard on an dedicated OpenWRT device behind my own router. Seemed like a good use for a $10 used router. Mainly to replace ssh access to a raspberry pi I use as a sump pit monitor. It gives me more flexibility as now I can access my whole lan without tunneling through ssh. I have cheap vps's as well and I may spin up another in the States to have an american ip as well and for secure browsing. I'm in Canada.

  3. I would love to set up a VPN at home for both security purposes and home access when travelling and also get a Raspberry Pi with PiHole going so I don't have to see ads when using YouTube on my phone.

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