Gray Daze-灵魂之歌反应// Chester的第一支乐队! //澳大利亚Rock Bass Player做出反应

切斯特·本宁顿(Chester Bennington)在加入林肯公园(Linkin Park)之前曾在一支名为“灰色迷魂”的乐队中工作,并于2017年与他们重新录制。 他们使用当时的新唱片发行了这首单曲。 由海梅·本宁顿(Jaime Bennington)执导:“这段音乐录影带讲述了我与另一方的精神联系,以及我对父亲去世后有时难以理解,有时无法理解的真实体验。’灵魂之歌’讲述了我们在很多方面进入启蒙,了解知识以及我们摆脱知识的许多方式。这是我的个人经验。” -Jaime Bennington,谢谢收看!我在这里通过twitch直播游戏: Insta: Facebook:https://www.facebook。 com / roguenjoshfb与我联系:[email protected]如果您想支持该频道,可以在这里捐款!非常感谢捐款,不予退款)Amazon Associate我的Sennheiser Game One游戏耳机:我的Logitech BRIO网络摄像头:我的Elgato Stream Deck: Blue Yeti USB麦克风:我的Blue Yeti Pro广播器包:我为Capulet和Capulet FB演奏低音: /?ref = py_c我最喜欢的实时视频: = 4u8kgNEDL-I Roguenjosh Merch:使用代码“ roguenjosh”代表20隐藏的视觉享受%s https://www.hiddenvisionsco.c om在结帐时使用代码’roguenjosh’可以在Everever Ever每天额外享受5%的折扣-这家商店出售精选的高品质可持续产品我不拥有音乐或音乐视频原创视频:“灵魂之歌”可在各处播放:预订并保存Amends,6月26日发行新专辑:https ://“这段音乐录影带讲述了我与另一方的精神联系,以及我对父亲去世后难以捉摸的,有时甚至是无法理解的生活的真实经历。 “灵魂之歌”是关于我们启蒙,了解知识的许多方式,以及我们摆脱知识的许多方式。 这是我的个人经历。” -Jaime Bennington执导的Jaime Bennington订阅Gray Daze YouTube频道成为第一个认识的人:关注Gray Daze:Facebook: Twitter:https:// / Instagram:通讯:。

  1. I’m a tough heavy metal way am I crying! First lyric and I’m teared up. Damn it. I love what Grey Daze did. They spent so much time and love bringing his voice back and creating new music. How they made it work is amazing to me and of course RIP Chester. They really did a great job honoring him as well as making great music, videos, & keeping the legacy going.

  2. I remember when I first saw/heard this and I had to pause it, it’s so emotional especially with Chester sadly no longer being with us, may he RIP, I hate that I didn’t get into music sooner as it would’ve given me a chance to recognize his true talent while he was still here, (it’s not my fault btw, my family hates my music, but I love it, so I was never introduced to the kind of stuff I now love)

  3. First let me make somerhing clear he didnt re recorded the grey daze song the audio from him singing are from their grey daze album that they recorded when chester was in their band before linkin park

  4. This song made me feel something… Really good song and now I literally listened to all Grey daze song that I have found online.
    Btw nice video m8 u have a new sub

  5. FYI the vocals were recorded in 1996 ish and thrack new tracks were recorded in the last 2 years, so they are using chesters original recordings, was not recorded in 2017, its all in the documentary.

    Good vid mate ?

  6. 5:26 the original one is totally different, it has a soft and constant guitar strumming throughout the song, their non-edited material has a more grunge vibe.

  7. When i first saw/listened to this song, i cried. Nay, i bawled. I lost it. I love Chester's voice and Linkin Park so much and when he passed it broke my heart. He is an amazing vocalist and performer and will forever be missed ❤

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