
由Orchard Enterprises提供给YouTube我的亲爱的多巴胺·Days N Daze我的亲爱的多巴胺℗2020 Fat Wreck Chords发布于:2020-03-09监制:D-Composers由YouTube自动生成。 。

  1. its where the money is at fool. youtube is the future…I keep telling my kjids. I bought them cameras and video grabbers with my stimmerlus

  2. You guys are the shit I share alot of your views on shit I've lived the streets hitching to were ever just because. Your music reminds me I'm not alone in my constant struggle with mental health and my many addictions and check my pick when im scruffy me and Jessie almost look like we could be related yo and if your song lyrics and views on shit are how you really see things we are very much alike it is part of what made me interested listen to more and more of you tracks the whole band rocks wish I could catch a show do you ever tour Canada??

  3. I really relate to the lyric " does the reward outweigh the risk? I'm on the fence" because I've had issues with self harm for a few years and its really hard to stop when I've been doing it for so long. I've quit cutting for a few months but it's still always in the back of my mind and it's hard to convince myself to keep trying not to start again..

  4. Listening to this song really hits you hard when you're vomiting in your trash can from smoking too much
    Like sure the song is probably definitely is about alcohol, but i think the spirit of the song can apply to most drug use too.

  5. Are you serious? This is friggin brilliant! Really great timing for this song to hit me. They just keep getting better. The struggle is always real, even when the drugs aren't.

  6. Goddamn this is me and the mothefucking opiates heroin/fent especially. I was never using to get high just to be functioning and "normal". Five months clean from all substances and still hate life although it's getting more and more bearable by the day. Your music speaks to me heavily and south sil for lil.

  7. A week ago I was afraid to move around too much because my O2 sats would drop. It felt like I was gasping for air but if I took too big of a breath it would trigger a coughing fit and it would take ten minutes to build my sats back up. Everything hurt. I tried staying away from family for almost all day in hopes they wouldn't get it to. This one really struck a nerve.

  8. I Believe this is the best description of a panic attack that ends in drug and alcohol abuse that ends in a panic have ever seenSpeaking as an old drunk and druggie

  9. If anyone want's the lyrics:
    When everything seems all sped up

    And you can't clear your mind

    Your palms are all sweaty

    Though try as you might

    You just can't catch your breath

    And you're certain you're going to die

    When reality folds in on itself

    You're the exemplary blueprint of poor mental health

    There's only so much that one mind can take

    Sometimes life's overwhelming we need an escape

    Oh, my darling dopamine

    Does the reward outweigh the risk?

    Well I'm on the fence

    Is a numbing normalcy on tap

    Worth a week trembling and sick

    But every time

    I tell myself's the last

    'Cause goddamn the price is high

    To rot in comfort

    This grueling routine I've succumb to

    Has grown so fucking old

    I just want out

    Another day and one less dollar

    One more year we soaked in beer

    And were content to live in squalor

    Just so long as we can cheers

    To one more lesson we've forgotten

    Once again we've gotten rotten drunk

    This time we really fucked it up

    So far beyond repair

    It's a tough thing to realize you're only a blip

    We rely on the comforts

    We smoke and we sip

    In the grand scheme it seems that

    The point of existing is trying our best to forget

    Oh, my darling dopamine

    Does the reward outweigh the risk?

    Well I'm on the fence

    Is a numbing normalcy on tap

    Worth a week trembling and sick

    And every time

    I tell myself's the last

    'Cause goddamn the price is high

    To rot in comfort

    This grueling routine I've succumb to

    Has grown so fucking old

    I just want out

    Oh, my darling dopamine

    Does the reward outweigh the risk?

    I'm on the fence

    Is a numbing normalcy on tap

    Worth a week trembling and sick?

    And every time

    I tell myself's the last

    'Cause goddamn the price is high

    To rot in comfort

    This grueling routine I've succumb to

    Has grown so fucking old

    I just want out

  10. Found out about this group not too long ago. Enjoy everything I've heard, can't wait for my preorder to arrive at the end of the month.

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