加快表现的5件事-宇宙将为您服务! | 吸引力法则

在此视频中,我分享了5件事,这些事情对我个人加速表现过程有帮助。 作为一个社区,我们在一起互相帮助,每天都在振作起来,并表现出更多的奇迹!! 希望这段视频对您有所帮助,以便您加快吸引力法则并更快体现出来。 这是一段视频的链接,该视频准确地解释了如何使用我最喜欢的脚本技术(我写下的所有东西都实现了)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = eDUoL …展示您的梦想学院(免费! )https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list …特别鸣谢,并感谢亚伯拉罕·希克斯(Abraham Hicks)的这段视频,该视频向我介绍了这种吸引人的法式脚本,并且改变了我的生活!! https://youtu.be/q_8bHx3VnQE在下面的视频请求中留言! ✨?我的在线社区现已开放?✨:https://www.facebook.com/groups/39870 …??与我免费获得7天试用版??:https://bit.ly/1_percent_better加入我的团队-老板宝贝革命:https://www.bossbaberevolution.com商业咨询:[email protected]??在社交媒体上关注我??Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/lifebylucie/ Facebook(个人):https://www.facebook.com/lucie.englan … Facebook(页面):https://www.facebook.com/lifebylucie/露西·英格兰·杜斯(Lucie England-Duce)是康宝莱营养公司YouTuber,DJ的国际发言人教练和转型专家。 她的父母是个独生子女,从小就向她介绍了个人发展。 她小时候就因为“怪异”而被人欺负,但是经过很多努力后,她才意识到,“怪异”是她的超级大国-素质最高的1%。 她的使命是成为她真实而快乐的自我,并授权数百万其他人也生活在他们的自由中。 自几年前开始个人发展之旅并致力于成为自己最好的版本以来,她的生活已提升到另一个层次。 在2019年,她承诺参加尽可能多的培训活动和转型课程,以便与包括Garrain Jones和Master Sri Akarshana在内的导师和专家会面和学习。 在短短的几个月内,她与Master Sri Sri Akarshana达成了商业交易,成为了他的最新公司之一的首席执行官,并穿越印度,制作了有关他通向Mastery的精神之旅的Netflix纪录片。 露西最喜欢的成功座右铭:“如果您总是做自己一直做的事情,那么您将永远得到自己一直拥有的东西。” 。

  1. Woke up this morning, came across one of your videos, now I have been manifesting to start the day…hmmm seems fitting lol! thank you <3

  2. Thank you for these beautiful comments. I always read them and send each of you love and positive energy. I appreciate you all for taking the time to watch my videos and write comments. 🙂 xxxx

  3. That's greattt!!!!!
    Lucie you are amazing and so so beautiful ❤❤❤ and you have a true understanding of the secret
    You are going to be one of the greatest youtubers and u will have millions of followers very soon❤❤❤❤❤
    Keep going onnnn❤❤❤

  4. You are amazing Lucie . Started watching a faw days ago and I have been enchanted hehe I love how smart and well spoken you are. Brillant points, clear language and most of all utter beauty, grace and femininity! You are definitely someone who practices what they preach ?? inspired

  5. The self improvement thing is what I am struggling with. I feel like I have let go of my limiting beliefs, insecurities etc and feel god state often. I do not know where to go to now or start the self love part aside from just listening & scripting affirmations. Not sure what exactly to implement in the self love self growth area in order to align to receive the bigger manifestations. BTW already noticed my bum growing after 1 week of my letter to you. 😉 I smacked my own butt last night when getting dressed LOL! I am grateful for you and the way you teach. I just want to hug you.

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