Glory Daze Custom&Vintage Motorcycle Show-宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡

这段视频由http://www.lowbrowcustoms.com呈现。匹兹堡Moto Magazine的Kurt和Alexa Diserio决定通过几年前创办他们的杂志来控制宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的定制摩托车界。 最终创造一场摩托车表演以将更多的自定义文化带入匹兹堡,这似乎是自然的过程。 考虑到这一点,就创建了Glory Daze。 他们的愿景是为本地建筑商提供一个发亮的地方,并激发那些走出门来的想法和想法的人们,用自己的两只手创造新的东西。 无论是两轮车,还是一件艺术品。 库尔特(Kurt)和亚历克斯(Alexa)希望帮助促进这一点,并将其带入他们的社区,他们做得很好。 该节目带来了来自中西部和东海岸的各种各样的摩托车,并坐落在一个美丽的历史建筑内,该建筑被称为The Carrie Blast Furnace。 这是该节目的第一年,而不会是最后一年。 Kurt告诉我们,这将是每年9月中旬至下旬左右举行的年度演出。 有关明年演出的更多信息,请访问http://www.glorydazepgh.com并保持最新。 。

  1. Damn…. I'd have loved to go to this, I live 20 minutes from pittsburg…how do I find out dates for next year…. Please let me know, I'll be there for sure

  2. Great dedication to bikes and congrats on a fantastic showcase of bikes..just a little more time on each bike would stop be from having to pause and go back throughout the whole video. Love your work.

  3. I am so ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY DISAPPOINTED that i didnt hear about this show !!!! I grew up running around and riding dirtbikes and quads down Carrie Furnace and literally live 5 minutes from it .. i will be trying to get in contact with you folks and hopefully become apart of this AWESOMENESS…. your doing a great thing !!!!! THANK YOU

  4. The perfect venue. Hope it never gets demolished. That space could be used for so much creativity. Oh yes, the bikes are top drawer. Worthy effort!

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