
这是Daft Punk的中世纪《 Get Lucky》封面的加速版,尽情享受吧! 原始音乐:傻瓜朋克中世纪版本:君士坦丁。

  1. Woohoo I love the Medieval version of music. Please do more. I love it. Bring back the medieval times with more medieval music. Honestly, I love it. ??

  2. Like the legend of the phoenix
    Each conclusion bringeth new starts
    What keepeth the heav'nly arcs
    A force from the Creator

    We have travailed
    And we strive to prevail
    Pass 'yond the pale
    Let us toast and wassail!

    She reveleth 'til the dawn
    Mine urges do seek a balm
    She seeketh mirth and a song
    I seek a night of good fortune
    She reveleth 'til the dawn

    Mine urges do seek a balm

    She seeketh mirth and a song

    I seek a night of good fortune (repeat 4x)

    The thread of time is severed
    Thou art beautiful as ever
    I desire new endeavors
    Let us quit this place together

    We have travailed

    And we strive to prevail

    Pass 'yond the pale

    Let us toast and wassail!

    She reveleth 'til the dawn

    Mine urges do seek a balm

    She seeketh mirth and a song

    I seek a night of good fortune

    She reveleth 'til the dawn

    Mine urges do seek a balm

    She seeketh mirth and a song

    I seek a night of good fortune (repeat 4x)

  3. She beeth up all night, 'till sun's crest
    I'm up all night to see breast
    She beeth up all night for good jest
    I'm up all night for good fortune

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