VS Team⑨! 东方GFW-恶作剧(BW Remix)

当您离开村庄时,您注意到前方有几处阴影,挡住了道路! 您知道这不会很好地结束,但是您决定就此与他们面对。 蓝色的代表其余部分。 “我们是解放阵线的队伍!我们是在这里带走您的神奇宝贝的!我是这里最强的,我所有的朋友都在这里作为我的后援(他们全都注视着他们),所以希望您准备战斗! ” 您受到解放队challenge的挑战! ————————————————– —————————————–我决定使用Cirno的团队和她的朋友们而不是恶作剧的票价,只是因为我参加了很多木偶舞蹈表演,所以这个主意就从那儿开始了。 简单的说。 另外,要求还在不断增加。伙计们,我有将近4个月或5个月的时间要求这样做,所以还有很多事情要做。 噢…我好累…角色Rumia,Cirno,Daiyousei,Wriggle Nightbug和Mystia Lorelei以及歌曲Staking your life on a Prank最初是由TeamShanghaiAlice创作的,也被称为ZUN。 Spritework艺术家是Deviantart上的Hidekins。 混音是由我使用FLStudio使用Pokemon Black / White和Black2 / White2 Soundfonts,以及一个秘密的TH Soundfont进行的,我不需要说出谁是出于尊重,并要求我不要提及或发布它们。 REQUEST行仍然满。 事实上,我可能最终还是会听每首东方歌曲。 如果您想在列表中增加自己的歌曲,并且有一个可提供的midi,(这对我来说非常容易),我将对其进行优先处理。 (并不是所有的歌曲都可以在没有一首的情况下访问。在音乐上我并不独具匠心。在这里我很诚实。)

  1. BEHOLD! TEAM 9!

    Team 9 Member Rumia
    “This darkness will blind you from your goal and light my way to victory!”


    “Ah… Looks like my darkness wasn’t enough to blind you…”

    Team 9 Member Wriggle
    “Come now! My bugs are itching to defeat you!”


    “No! My dear bugs!”

    Team 9 Member Mystia
    “Come on, closer~ I shall make you realize you’re the only loser~”


    “Why should this end just like this?~ Can’t fate not even desist?~”

    Team 9 Second Leader Daiyousei

    “Um… I’ll try my best to defeat you… Unlike my members, I’m not that… going for battles? What’s the word for it…? Anyway… Please… May both of us do our best.”

    Floette (Blue Flower)

    “Woah! I… I didn’t see that you’re THAT strong, but… Ahh… I lost…”

    Team 9 Leader Cirno
    “Aye now! I’m the strongest being of all Gensokyo, Cirno, the ice fairy! Come to me, human weakling, and tremble before the might of my Pokémon!”

    Alolan Ninetales
    Alolan Sandslash

    “NO!!!! I can’t stand being defeated by a mere human! Alas, my title as the strongest is…”

  2. I decided to try something different, the special upload for the friend will wait till october since it'll fit the month better.

  3. You are challenged by:
    Team ⑨ Boss Cirno
    Team ⑨ Admin Daiyousei
    Team ⑨ Admin Rumia
    Team ⑨ Admin Wriggle
    Team ⑨ Admin Mystia

    Great, now I'm imagining a fangame where you fight all five of them at once like that one horde fight against team aqua/magma in ORAS

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