
“您能告诉我如何加快慢清洁女工的速度吗?快速清洁是我发展清洁业务和女仆服务的方式。我有一个工人来与我一起进行清洁工作并清理我的空间,而她超级慢。您能加快慢清洁女仆的速度吗?还是我应该让她走?” 房屋清洁大师安吉拉·布朗(Angela Brown)说,您可以加快女佣的速度。 她还分享了今天的房屋清洁培训中的专业清洁技巧。 #SavvyCleaner #AskaHouseCleaner #AngelaBrown我们的房屋清洁工作的主办方是Savvy Cleaner(女仆服务培训。)HouseCleaning360(列出您的清洁业务并找到更多的客户。)我的清洁连接(此清洁渠道的资源中心)。 )和精明的津贴(女佣和房屋清洁工的雇员福利。)***此剧集的完整注释*** https://askahousecleaner.com/speed-up-slow-maids/ ***评价此剧本** * https://sotellus.com/r/savvy-cleaner ***评价此播客*** https://ratethispodcast.com/askahousecleaner ***快速清洁成功的途径*** https://SavvyCleaner.com /日历课程***我使用的最需要清洁的材料清单*** https://www.Amazon.com/shop/AngelaBrown ***更多与此类似的视频***安全数据表(SDS)房屋清洁用品-https://youtu.be/koILrMkmdJI女佣从客户那里偷走了真空吸尘器-https://youtu.be/fujAgklvF34员工生日-我们应该如何庆祝? -https://youtu.be/Vj19tCj8SqE客户的垃圾箱-我可以保留吗? -出租物业经理提供的https://youtu.be/ArycI1Om57k清洁测试-https://youtu.be/YQYdtjmhTxw清洁工和女仆的驾驶规则-https://youtu.be/ElxlAhM3H8o倦怠-房屋最佳秘诀清洁剂以恢复和重新引导-https://youtu.be/SV4PdnITG-Y ***该集的资源***快速清洁-https://amzn.to/2ILFgLz专业速清洁围裙,带有7个口袋,手套架,除尘器支架和16盎司喷雾瓶-加快清洁速度-https://amzn.to/2KYc4gW快速清洁101:将清洁时间缩短一半! -https://amzn.to/2GTu2yQ快速清洁红汁多用途浓缩混合喷雾瓶-https://amzn.to/2J4TW89一尘不染,平衡生活的其他挑战-https://amzn.to/2KUR0YW快速清洁和通过保持我的家来组织我从普通的简到超级妈妈的生活-https://amzn.to/2GTTKD以生活的速度扑朔迷离:用材料赢得永无止境的战斗-https://amzn.to/2KX4DHb我们是亚马逊服务有限责任公司联合计划的参与者,该计划是一项联属广告计划,旨在通过链接到Amazon.com和联属网站为我们提供一种赚取费用的方式。 ***欣赏此节目的其他方式*** ITUNES-http://apple.co/2xhxnoj缝合器-http://bit.ly/2fcm5JM SOUNDCLOUD-http://bit.ly/2xpRgLH GOOGLE PLAY-http: //bit.ly/2fdkQd7 YOUTUBE-https://goo.gl/UCs92v ***是否有显示问题? ***通过电子邮件发送给Angela[at]AskaHouseCleaner.com语音邮件:单击https://askahousecleaner.com上的蓝色按钮***房屋清洁提示VAULT ***(通过电子邮件发送)-https://savvycleaner.com/tips ***免费电子书–如何开始您自己的房屋清洁公司*** http://amzn.to/2xUAF3Z ***专业的房屋清洁员私人FACEBOOK组*** https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProfessionalHouseCleaners/ ***关注天使在社交媒体上的形象*** https://Facebook.com/SavvyCleaner https://Twitter.com/SavvyCleaner https://Instagram.com/SavvyCleaner https://Pinterest.com/SavvyCleaner https:// Linkedin。 com / in / SavvyCleaner ***免责声明***在展会期间,我们建议您使用服务,站点和产品,以帮助您改善清洁状况并发展清洁业务。 我们与这些公司建立了合作伙伴关系或赞助关系,可为您提供折扣和节省。 通过单击并从这些链接中购买,我们可能会获得佣金,以帮助支付展览的制作成本。 支持展会,因此我们可以继续为您提供免费的提示和策略,以改善您的清洁状况并帮助您发展清洁业务。 谢谢! ***赞助和品牌***我们与赞助商和品牌合作。 如果您有兴趣与我们合作,并且您有与清洁行业紧密结合的产品或服务,请联系我们的促销部门信息[at]AskaHouseCleaner.com ***该显示由***清洁剂赞助-房屋清洁剂培训和认证– https://savvycleaner.com我的清洁连接–您清洁所有物品的枢纽– https://mycleaningconnection.com HOUSECLEANING360。 COM –将房屋保洁员与房主联系起来– https://housecleaning360.com省钱–小企业主的员工福利– https://savvyperks.com。

  1. I have a question.. my wife works for a veey small cleaning business. They have 2 clients that use coke. My wife has even came across some needles in one house. Always coke powder all over. Am I wrong to feel as tho she should speak up and say she doesn't feel comfortable cleaning these homes? Frankly it pissed me off.. putting my wife in a situation where she could get hurt. Be it a needle.. be it dusting and maybe breathing in drugs! Or whos to say a drug dealer couldnt show up and something could happen!!! All this being said, the houses are white collared but still is indeed they are druggy homes. Id like to tell her boss NO MORE but i dont know if i have that right or if my wife has that right without losing her job. Please opinions are appreciated ty

  2. Hi Angela, first I want to thank you for your videos, they're really instructive and motivating!
    I'm new in the cleaning industry and have learned a ton by my noob mistakes already. Despite this, I enjoy cleaning so that's the bright side of it. The speed is something I still have to work on. As other comments say, I also like to really clean, but if I do so, time is not enough. I have had to clean big companies all alone in only 3 hours. Is this time normal or just nasty working demands? I feel like they are asking for poor cleaning just to pay little.

  3. For those of you commenting your speed is slow due to deep cleaning as opposed to maintenance cleaning, create separate checklists for yourself and the client. Let them know what's included in a maintenance clean and what is included in a deep clean or even move outs. I used to make the same mistake until I handed these lists to my clients. They have very clear what each cleaning includes and what the cost is, and it also helps me not to deviate from each task, even if I see a dusty fan that bothers me. If they are not paying for a deep clean I stay away for cleaning it. Fridge and oven cleaning are also charged extra and that's also very clearly stated in the checklists I hand them when I do walkthroughs.

    If you have employees, as soon as you get home explain what they need to do and which specific areas to tackle. I had this girl that I guess was forgetful and I had to remind her several times the areas that were clean already, she will go and clean them again, so I had to be on top of her all the time. I let her go eventually because there was no improvement even though I tried to help her speed up.

  4. This is one of the reasons why I hesitate on taking new homes. I'm slow because I deep clean the whole room. I mean, baseboards, windows and if I can reach the fan, the fan will get clean too. To me, unless I remove the dirt and grime, I don't feel satisfied with the quality of my work. For the following reason I don't charge a lot per hour. Not because I want to take advantage of the owner but because the sad reality is that homeowners really don't know how dirty their house is. If I can become efficient while deep cleaning a house then I do see myself getting more clients and expanding my business. If you have links or books that can help me find a solution to my slow pace please let me know.

  5. That is one of my frustrations I can't speed up,I have costumers but I guess they keep me because I charge less and stay more for I get pay this is driving me crazy is something the want to change. No matter what I do to fixed it nothing change

  6. I wish I had seen this video two years ago! Our supervisors had a heck of a time getting our employees to clean a good pace. I think there's a big difference between speed cleaning, a good pace and just plain slow. I'm pretty sure they were either texting or chatting with one another.
    Thanks for this video though, you're awesome!

  7. How did you know my husband and I had this discussion yesterday? Lol??? We were just discussing about re training and having a meeting about getting up to speed. This one particular person is very dependable and a hard worker but very very slow. Notice I said that two times. We did a move out clean a couple weeks a go and the whole time we were at the customers home they were on the kitchen. When the customer came back I went in the kitchen and started helping him move quickly because I started seeing the customer getting irritated. He easily gets off task by talking alot. By watching this video you en lighten me on somethings to help me address this issue.

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