如何加快Eonon立体声// // EONON GA6165

在本视频中,我将向您展示如何禁用google服务以大大提高Android立体声系统的速度和性能。 每次打开立体声时,Google服务都会运行并更新,这会大大降低其速度。 通过禁用不必要的服务,立体声可以更快地运行。 宝马E90立体声套件:http://amzn.to/2nBP5ME感谢收看,请订阅! 支持JD汽车:https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=GCT7YXHP4PWSW&lc=US&item_name=JD%20Cars¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%oneed%3

  1. I have this stereo installed the last few months and it’s great. One issue though, how can I change/delete the annoying beeping sound that comes from the stereo when you have low fuel, low water, etc alerts! I removed the speaker from the cluster which deletes the indicator bleeper sound. But how can I delete all other warning sounds?

  2. Hi i just performed a root on 5.1 lollipop stereo and it work perfectly. Have you got any advice on an app that can mange storage to move the heavy apps to sd card storage?

  3. hey JD Cars i bought an head unit for vw cc and it is super slow, google maps wont even open. are interested in making a video with my unit? like a before and after speed? I'm also from Boston area thanks

  4. @JDcars so I think I messed something up when I was trying to get rid of my google settings. I followed the prompts that the google pop ups were telling me and I encrypted my device. At least that’s what google said. It also said it’s irreversible. Now my GA7165A unit is running so slow and taking almost 7-8 minutes to boot up when I power it on. Says it’s optimizing each app individually during the start up process when I turn the car on. Please help!!!!

  5. Is there anyway to disable the future that blocks videos or apps while the car not in park. So the passenger can use apps or watch videos while I drive.

  6. Any idea how I could do a clean install on the unit? I am going mad. After I start my car for about 5 min the unit is useless. It is literally blocked. Afterwards it starts running but every app I start needs a few minutes to start. Specially google maps

  7. Hey great vids! I was interested in getting a eonon double din like this for my E88 but nobody seems to have a decent unit for my car. Can you recommend a brand that might work on my car? Or anybody that might own an E88? I need help.

  8. I installed the GA7165 about two weeks ago. This is an amazing system. If you trim the ac unit well, it sits almost flush in the dash. The bottom will stick out a bit, but you hardly notice it. I watched JD Cars video about four times before the install, then followed JD Cars' installation video for the GA6165 to a tee, and it was a very easy install. Took about a hour and a half to two hours to do everything. The online owners manual for this item sucks tho. Thank God for JD Cars, and his endless instruction videos.

  9. Hey man! , would it be a good choice to do all the same mods you did to your car on mine? I have the same model but sadly it's an auto:(.I was looking for a manual but they where very difficult to find in my area. Please reply back thanks!

  10. Jacob, What if any issues have you had with your stereo? Only thing is I was thinking of getting the new 7165, do you know anything about that head unit?

  11. Hey JD. As soon as I watched this I ran out and did it. Worked a treat. …. However. I have to have what I want; and that is a live wallpaper which didn't quite take me back to square one. But … I looked at the processor and it's in power saving mode by default.So most of the time it's ticking at round 860Mhz when it can do 1600Mhz. So … it's something i'm going to be looking into … any success I have i'll make you aware; unless you do it first. But … this would give us significant speed improvement at no real cost as we are running off a car battery and power saving is irrelevant. Anyway …. a big thanks for all that you have done. Outstanding.

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