
杰克(Jack)和奥黛丽·兰德里(Audrey Landry)是一对中年夫妇,当他们的三个成年女儿特里(Teri),诺拉(Nora)和大丽花(Dahlia)最终重返家乡时,他们几乎没有成为一对“空巢穴”的气息。 这并不难,但是就像父母重新调整生活方式以适应后代一样,兰德里的三个女儿全部坠入爱河。 幸福到处都是,直到每个女儿都宣布要结婚。 与此同时。 猜猜谁买单? 现在是一场竞赛,看看哪个先用尽了-杰克和奥黛丽的银行帐户或其理智。 。

  1. Always had a crush on Karen Valentine growing up. She has always been such a cutie. Her and John Laroquette were about the same age I am now when they made this. Marina Black (Nora) is Shirley Temple's niece. Kelly Overton (Dahlia) is currently Vanessa Van Helsing on SyFy. Wish they had done some flashblacks with Jack seeing his grown daughters as little girls (especially in sister circle. My wife is the eldest of 3 girls). I did tear up during the grooms gifts from Jack, predicted the girls would rescue their parents' trip. I wish they had ended it with pics Guillermo developed off the old Instamatic with some new shots. This would have been an interesting movie to have sequeled the Father of the Bride Part 2 (Father's Little Dividend) way.

  2. I really love the scene when the father’s brides said “God”. Until he cried. How i wish i could have this one but not anymore since my father died since 2008. But somehow, i knew he is always there watching over me to find “the one” for me.

  3. I love this movie funny I had tears in my eyes I laughed my head off it’s like a true story this happens in real life. I Enjoyed this movie I don’t mind watching it again. Thanks for shearing.

  4. They should make a sequel of this John Larroquette and cast should make the sequel call Wedding Daze the next generation I love that if you asked them

  5. I really enjoyed this movie. I'm a fan of John Larroquette also. I remember him from the Sitcom "Night Court"
    My only issue is the younger sister marrying the ex boyfriend. Yes that's the sister's Ex, and she marrying someone else.
    But their are some thing's you just don't do. Besides, why would you want someone that's still hung up on their ex anyways.

  6. I have to add to my comment below, I'm sitting here on my own laughing almost in tears at times thinking how wonderful it must be to have a family like this, unfortunately was an only child, I'd give anything to have had a sister or brother. Such a great movie, great actors, only John Larroquette could play such a part as the father. thank you to all the actors, I commend you

  7. Now this is what I call a movie. Picture great, Sound great, Acting great, what more is there, it's perfect. only wish all the movies were this good. thank you kate7365

  8. Beautiful movie, thank you. I cried as I was truly touched. Actually it is quite realistic. Lovely parents & lovely girls, so unaffected. They were loving and loyal to each other without being suggary sweet or sticky. Like to see more of such kind of films. And that sentence towards the end of the film…where the daughters say how the parents asked no questions when they came back. Good daughters, they knew the concept of "giving back"!

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