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  1. bruh y'all teachers making you watch this for quarantine work? mine had us watch this in class before quarantine, be lucky that you can do it on your own time

  2. Answers:
    PS: Don't know if this helps anyone but maybe it does.

    1) America in the 1950s was very rapidly becoming a consumer society. People were (doing white collared work) more than ever before.
    2) Why was it not a good time for women in the workplace? No female managers and they had to be “pretty”
    3) What does the woman mean when she says it was a “couples society”? They did everything in couples
    4) What was the new appliance that every American had to have in the 1950s? The Television
    5) What new music emerged in the 1950s? Rock and Roll
    6) Who was this genre’s superstar? Elvis Presley
    7) Who were two early African-American leaders that ignited a revolution for African-Americans? Martin luther king,
    8) What did MLK encourage people to boycott for 381 days because of its segregationist policies? The Busses
    9) Who did President Eisenhower have to call in to Little Rock, Arkansas to desegregate Central High? National guard
    10) Why did President Eisenhower have the new highway system built? To help the movement of missile systems.
    11) What was the name of the debate conducted between Khrushchev and Vice President Nixon? The Kitchen Debate
    12) What happened on the Quiz show game that disappointed Americans with television?
    They gave the answers to Vanduran, so that it boosted their ratings.

  3. White lady when reflecting on SWAT showing up at Little Rock: "It was just awfullllllll"
    Me: Well what would you feel like if you were those African American students on your first day of school having all the SWAT teams show up with guards around the school and people yelling at you with mobs around you…sure…it was awful…you're TOTALLY the victim."

  4. "that was real fear" ma'am how do u think those poor Black students felt walking into school surrounded by mobs you were a part of? don't play victim here

  5. People are so mad about the lady, and she was definitely in the wrong, but why doesn't anyone take into account that she was raised against people different than herself and that she was being egged on in a mob full of people encouraging her to act like everyone else. It doesn't justify her actions, but think about how she probably would have been an outcast had she not taken on the mob, or even possibly injured. It takes a lot of strength and courage to stand up to so many people whose opinions you care about, and she just didn't have it in her. It's easy to say nowadays that you would risk all of that to stand up for what's right, but that's something that would be validated nowadays, it's much harder to say the same when you're living in a culture that will beat you down if you don't conform. Not justifying her actions, again, just food for thought.

  6. The Century: Peter Jennings Happy Daze: 1953-1959

    1. What type of America did Eisenhower wish to return to? What does

    Eisenhower get the U.S. out of?

    Eisenhower wanted to return to a peaceful and prosperous America where

    life was simple. Eisenhower was able to get America completely out of their

    old lives and begin making new ones.

    2. How had the nature of work changed in America? What type of jobs were


    Never before was business so rapid in America the American public was

    now selling and buying more consumer goods than any other country on

    the planet. Many people were now working in factories and big business’s

    so unemployment went down dramatically.

    3. What were women’s roles in society and in the workplace? What role

    does marriage play in Ameican society?

    The 1950s made it so that women would basically stay at home and take

    care of things while the men worked and even if women worked they would

    often be made into secretaries. Marriage boosted on a major scale during

    this decade it was considered unpopular to be eligible to be married and

    not get married.

    4. Where are Americans living in the 1950s? Describe life there!

    By the end of the decade a quarter of the population was now living in

    suburban homes with crab grass and the white picket fence. Life was

    basically socializing with the neighbors, enjoying holiday’s, having

    respectful and fun kids, and getting the newest and best merchandise.

    5. What was driving America’s economy in the 1950s? What does the term

    “keeping up with the Jones’s” mean?

    The American economy was powered by the peoples need to buy

    consumer goods. The term “keeping up with the Jones’s” simply means

    how if one person bought a new shiny toaster then everyone needed to get

    a new shiny toaster.

    6. What impact does television have on American culture? American


    Television revolutionized many things but in the 1950s it changed the way

    people received information about current events and people believed that

    that the actors on TV were what an ideal American should be like. TV also

    helped advertise new merchandise so people would know what was now


    7. What types of things were threatening the status quo in the 1950s?


    Traditionalists enjoyed the way things were in there late 1940s where life

    was still simple but America was advancing and soon new ideas and

    advancements would threaten the old way of life. These included the TV,

    Playboy magazines, and the new music called Rock-in-Roll.

    8. Why were people attracted to Rock-n-roll? Why did Rock music & Elvis

    Presley offend many adults?

    It was a new decade with a new type of music so for this next generation

    many people simply thought this was another advancement like the TV. For

    many adults they feared that this new music would lead their children to

    make bad and foolish choices that they would regret. Elvis was often

    unpopular with adults because they thought that his hair style and the

    movement of his hips would spark rebellion among the young.

    9. What was the situation for black Americans in the 1950s?

    The 1950s changed very little from the days of the Jim Crow laws and

    black and whites now had to live their lives separated. Discrimination was

    everywhere they couldn’t drink from the same water fountains or sit on the

    same side of the bus or use the same bathroom.

    10. How did M.L. King and the blacks of Montgomery react to the arrest of

    Rosa Parks? What methods of resistance do they use?

    M.L.K. and his followers reacted by refusing to ride the buses so they

    would walk or carpool wherever they needed to go. Though their campaign

    was peaceful the white population saw this as an act of defiance so white

    officers would arrest any carpool drivers they found and white extremists;

    most likely KKK, would bomb M.L.K.’s home and other black


    11. What was being attempted in Little Rock and why?

    After the success with the desegregation of the buses at the beginning of

    new school year new black students tried to enter the school. They did this

    in hopes that it would help bring segregation to an end.

    12. How do the whites of Little Rock react?

    While the parents stood across the street yelling the white students as well

    as the National Guard and the Police would not let the black students enter.

    Soon the blacks students had to rush home away from the violence.

    13. How is the desegregation of Central High School achieved? How is it

    viewed in the black community?

    Three weeks after the students first tried to enter the building they returned

    now with the help of 101st airborne division. This led to the permanent

    desegregation of the school. The black community praised the president for

    sending soldiers to protect their children in their time of need.

    14. How did American’s view of the automobile change in the 1950s? What

    impact does its popularity have on America?

    Since there were now so many different types of cars to choose from

    people now began to pick cars that they thought would best fit their

    personality. With an America that spent so much time on the road whole

    new business’s popped up such as drive through’s, roads side dinners,

    motels, and the thousands of miles of highway that spanned all the way

    from Los Angeles to New York City.

    15. How does each side of the Cold War react to the revolt in Hungary in


    The Soviet Union sent in troops to crush this rebellion and the Hungarians

    were hopeful that America would intervene and help them gain freedom.

    Sadly America did not want to rise starting another war so we had to turn

    our backs on the Hungarians. By the time the fighting stopped over 10,000

    Hungarians were dead.

    16. What weapons was being tested in the 1950s? How? Why?

    In this era Nuclear bombs were being constantly tested in the Arizona

    desert to see just how powerful they can be. Both sides also began

    advancing rocket technology which was developed by Germany during

    WW2 and now it was being used by America and Russia to be developed

    into Nuclear Warheads.

    17. What impact does Sputnik have on America psychologically and


    Sputnik brought great fear to America because now we felt that Russia had

    a decisive edge if war should break out. It also didn’t help our morale

    because had failed 100 times in launching a rocket and finally when

    someone succeeded we felt like it was the wrong guy.

    18. How does the word consensus fit the 1950s?

    The 1950s was the beginning of the American public’s distrust of their

    government now people were wondering how many secrets is government

    holding from them. This didn’t help the country at the time because if the

    Russians saw that America was destabilizing then they may see it as an

    opportunity to attack.

  7. For those commenting on Anne Thompson.. you have to understand, that is how she was raised. In that typed of society you would be hated if you “understood” or “sympathized” with colored people. I see how it may seem that she is still in some ways “racist” but at the same time you can tell she has tried to change, and become more acceptive. Yes, it sucks that this was our world for a while, but it’s our job to make the change and never allow this to happen again!

  8. 37:12 Payload is too heavy. Should've used the mammoth engines instead of the reliant. Come on. Must you keep killing Jebediah Kerman? Add more boosters. If you're not going up at over mach three, you haven't added enough.

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