[HD] JULIEN-K-“夏日酷酷的眩光”-官方视频

导演:Vicente和Fernando Cordero共同导演:Amir Derakh和Ryan Shuck在这里购买:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/were-here-you-deluxe-edition/id924122924 DP:Alexander Sutton-霍夫(Hough)编辑:维森特·科德罗(Vicente Cordero)治疗撰写者:阿米尔·德拉赫(Amir Derakh),瑞安·沙克(Ryan Shuck),维森特·科德罗(Vicente Cordero)和费尔南多·科德罗(Fernando Cordero)制作公司:工业主义电影www.industrialismfilms.com第一st交流:亚历山大·林斯坦尼康(Alexander Lim Steadicam):杰里·弗兰克(Jerry Franck)宾夕法尼亚:约瑟夫·奥塔内兹(Joseph Otanez)化妆:克里斯汀·M·卡尔德隆(Kristen M. Calderon)伦敦母亲的黑色礼服,克里斯西·霍夫曼(Chrissy Hoffman)制作,朱利安·K公司(Julien-K INC。)饰演女孩-德里·卡达兹(Desiree Kaddatz)驾驶员–雨伞的朱利安·K人-吉姆·佩恩(Jim Payne)特别鸣谢:阿瓦隆好莱坞,莱恩·贾索,克里斯·怀特,奥德里·露丝,乔纳·贝瑞(Jonah Berry),贝丝·法雷斯(Beth Phares),格蕾琴·兰纳姆(Gretchen Lanham),米尔德里德·冯(Mardred Von),玛丽莎·塔伊(Marisa Tayui),达米安·斯特拉伯特(Damian Stellabott),弗兰克·德尔加迪洛(Frank Delgadillo),周星驰,乌韦·艾兴伯格(Uwe Eichenberg)和西蒙·斯图里(Simon Steuri)2012 Circuit Freq Records www.circuitfreqrecords.com。

  1. Wow I am just hearing this even though I've been a fan of JK for a while now…. This song is fucking amazing. Awesome to see Amir back with Rough Cutt too.. JK please keep making music – this takes the old mixes it with new and then does something completely unheard of to it as well. Groundbreaking while familiar.. Good like the first time every single time – like your right hand!!! ROCK!

  2. What an amazing song and video Ryan and Amir, oh my…….I've been an orgy fan from the end of the world (Chile) since your begining, however I've been following your work as Julien-K and man, what can I say, it is BRILLIANT, the sounds from the synth pop 80's music mixed with modern guitar riffs so nicely done….man……….I'd love to do that in my own personal music project., I hope some day I will :).

    All my love and good wishes for you guys, cheers!!.


  3. I used to talk to Ryan Shucks brother in law that once promised to introduce me to Ryan, and forward my guitar work for him to hear, but it never happened unfortunately, downer ;-( . Ima huge fan. Ive noticed a huge improvement in Ryan's vocals, they've grown, and he's got his own sound. I am shocked though at the absence of Amir's Orgy type guitars that I loved. I would love to Collaborate with them one day. I was totally blown away by Dead by Sunrise and it sucks they didnt keep it going. Ryan and Amir…. always got my respect.. for sure. – Shawn Patterson- from the band Beauty and the Bullet

  4. Wow, this 2012 album seems so good! Gonna have to pick it up; glad I looked into this awesome band from their shots with some of the Sonic games. XD

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