Fusion 360自适应CAM工具路径-如何加快计算时间!

Fusion 360自适应工具路径需要永远计算吗? 不要紧张 我们将介绍Fusion 360的设置,技巧和窍门,这些设置将大大提高刀具路径的计算速度。 在此视频中,我们采用的刀具路径具有2.5小时的计算时间,并且不到20分钟! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~相关视频和链接Fusion 360的计算机建议:http://bit.ly/2EuTjBW如何消除耳语削减:https://bit.ly/36QAUvr上手CNC课程:https://www.nyccnc.com/events在线Fusion 360培训:http://bit.ly/LearnFusion360 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~到达我们/ CNC信息:月度通讯:https://chiprag.com/ Speeds&Feeds:https://provencut.com下载Fusion 360:http://bit.ly/GetFusion360 SMW产品:https://saundersmachineworks.com/ CNC资源:https://www.nyccnc.com。

  1. I use mastercam professionally as a tool maker and have similar problems when using "rest machining" due to the physical size of parts and complex geometries.
    Our work around (this would work perfect for this part) is to create "bounding geometry" to limit where the toolpath goes. We might break our parts into quarters and generate 4 identical toolpaths in different locations. Sounds weird but it takes less time to generate.
    This part could easily benefit from one small toolpath patterned around the part.
    Edit commented before seeing the end of the video

  2. How much toolpath calculation does Fusion do on the local PC and how much in the cloud? The more something is calculated in the cloud, the more important a damn good internet connection is.

  3. With the 3d adaptive tool paths my go to is to first increase tolerance and smoothing to at least 75% my stock to leave. Smoothing should always be a bit less than the tolerance and when you add them together they should never be more than your radial stock to leave. This will allow you to run high speed toolpaths better even on an old machine without hsm like my 1998 haas vf3 but you must have a drip feed unit to compensate for the program size.

  4. 1:20 Assuming the benefit of doubt, that you only misspoke, .004" is .1mm, not 1mm. Other than that. Pretty good video.

    4:28 [cough, cough] Fanuc controllers. Useless Robodrill. -_-

  5. So on your 2d profile you were saying it is a bottom up. Can you explain why you would select a bottom contour versus a top contour?

    I have been milling with a CNC router for my carbon fiber drone frames/parts. I am setting my mill for a fixed stock position WCS with a clearance from the work piece in it's fixture. I have my pass through set for -.5 to -1 mm for passing through the stock bottom.

    But as I am setting my tool paths I have been working off of stock top and selecting my profile/features from the model/stock top rather than the bottom.

    Hoping to start using the router for some aluminum stock to make some protective covers for my arms/motors but I need to get the tram on my machine zeroed better. Currently isnt a problem for when I do 1.5-6mm carbon fiber plate but it will rear it's issues when I start doing 3D machining.

  6. Yea.. But if we want to finish more complicated part with 3d SCALLOP / Shallow etc. In simulation taking looooong time… They must fix it as much possible. We wasting time…

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