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  1. Dear Eric

    I am blessed to be getting your videos and listening to what you have been talking. I have manifested many a times what I thought but lately have been filled with overthinking and cannot let go things. Can you please help. I absolutely believe in everything you say !

  2. Again same thing Sri Akarshana … I just love your way of NAMASTEY …. N one thing I would like to add .. that I feel soooooo connected with you .. I mean I feel my energy means my enthusiasm matches with yours …. I just love to seeee you again n again …..

  3. This music of show reel….is so so vibrant that it feels all energies from the body are floating n trying to gather themselves together at one place…to manifest

  4. 1. Think it
    – think about the thing you want
    2. Write it (scripting)
    – write with clarity
    – mention each and every detail
    – date stamp it
    3. Speaking it
    – extra action increase vibrational frequency
    4.visualive it
    – see it actually happening
    – you can also draw it out to create a visual imprint
    5. Act upon it
    – take action and NOT sit back and relax
    +1. Feel it (most crucial)
    – it amplifies emotions and your vibrational energy henceforth speeding up manifestation.

    Do it EVERY morning!

  5. Hi Master,
    I'm Yin. I was translate this video to Vietnamese so it can reach to more people in Vietnam or speak Vietnamese. Can you please check my subtitle include in your video? Thanks for your helpful video !!! It can't be more amazing

  6. I have these rlly expensive supplements that give me so much energy and boost my testosterone but I wasn’t able to buy them anymore cuz I didn’t have the money. They did a giveaway for 10 free bottles which is worth 300 and thousands of people signed up. I did ONE meditation and added my emotions into it and visualized and affirmed it. Then I completely forgot about it and a month later they contacted me and said I had won! This stuff rlly works

  7. But how is acting upon it possible if you have to let go after the manifestation? I want to manifest an text from a person.

  8. I manifested some much wanted money in 3 days!!! And of course I manifested you as my latest mentor a month ago. My heartfelt gratitude is overflowing. Thank you so much!!!

  9. Yes yes yes… its all that I did to manifest my soulmate… he is extremely loving caring and angel sent.. I didn't intentionally manifest him.. but all this love things, I was feeling it deep within.. everything was a part of my regular thought process.. and I'm a natural imaginer.. wud talk to my friends on social media re my needs thoughts and desires deep within.. . and here I'm.. a guy who has swept me off my feet and all this experience is so surreal and magical.. im at peace and calm now even though there hv been few bumps .. I'm confident and believe together we will sail thru this transformation smoothly.

    U r my divine power Master Aakarshana. Ur channel has been of immense help all this while. Thanku so much for all the guidance.

    This msg is coming to you from a southern part of India called Vijayawada and its in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

    Kindly pray for us.. Kindly shower ur blessings on us.

    Much love and blessings to everyone here.

    Much success to you and ur channel. Abundance and love to each soul reading my msg and getting inspired. Thanku Universe. Thanku so much.

  10. Can you explain my half manifestations . I don’t understand that at all . It’s amazing how it happens and still absolutely wonderful . What went off there ?

  11. I dont understand. If you must take action to manifest then why you say can manifest a text from someone just through visualisation and thinking about it?

  12. I wrote a petition for weight loss and it worked!! However, I need to make a new one so I can keep the weight off, and since I forgot to make a new one, I gained the weight BACK! ?? goes to show that those petitions really DO WORK

  13. Honestly, this "technique" is more akin to Tony Robbins than the REAL law of attraction.

    You can manifest without action. You just aren't going to do it without considerable effort (barring natural talent of course). It is easier to go to the store and buy a pack of strawberries than it is for the inexperienced manifester to manifest that same pack of strawberries, especially with how uncontrolled and wild that process can be. Which is why I believe that so many people adopt this "technique" when it comes to the law of attraction rather than putting in the actual work. There is nothing wrong with just going to the store and getting strawberries but when you say that you manifested them, while KIND OF true; it really serves to muddy already murky waters.

    My advice to anyone looking to start manifestation for REAL is to understand that we are all already doing it all the time, notice when it happens( without action, obviously ), and then try to replicate those conditions. It probably won't work at first and when you do get it working you may not be able to control it, for example; you may manifest strawberries on the TV rather than in your hand. I can't give you any more information than that. The entire reason I looked up "speed manifestation" was so that I could make many rapid manifestations and slowly learn to hone in on what to do to gain better control.

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