
您的PES帐户会被禁止使用VPN ..吗? 嗨,大家好previous在过去的两天里,许多YouTube用户发布了有关使用VPN和帐户禁令的视频。 甚至有些YouTube使用者都发布了他们在解释中的视频,如何免费获得“日本传奇”,并且一段时间后,他们发布了如果您将使用VPN来获取“日本传奇”,那么您的帐户将被禁止。 相信我,这些视频只是为了获得观看次数而发布的,如果您使用VPN玩游戏,konami不会禁止我们的帐户。 他们只是PES粉碎的产物。 自2018年以来,甚至我都在使用VPN.?如果您在观看了他们的视频后从团队中释放了那些日本LEGENDS,然后对不起男人,那是您的失败?谢谢! #pes2020#pes2020mobile如果您真的喜欢这部影片,请不要忘记…❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤?❤??????????video = ============================?社交媒体链接:?Facebook-https:// www.facebook.com/ProttoyPesOfficial?Twitter-https://mobile.twitter.com/ProttoySarkar4?Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/prottoy.pes.official/ =========== =========================?商业/促销查询:电子邮件:[email protected] #prottoypesofficial。

  1. Bro, I have been using VPN since PES 2018. Still my account safe. So, Don't believe those misleading videos & don't release Japanese Legends. Your account remain safe, no tension. Enjoy PES.?

  2. Bro this is what I got when i asked Konami about using vpn.
    Thank you for contacting the KONAMI Customer Support.

    Regarding your inquiry, please be advised that using third party apps is against the game's Terms of Use where you have agreed to when you started playing the game.

    Please note that if we have reason to believe that a player is using third party apps, disciplinary measures including bans will be sanctioned against the offending user/s.

    We hope that you can use this information for your reference.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Please explain bro

  3. Konami also don't banned me it's foolish stupid video I tell it in Malayalam for malayalis ARUTHA KAZHIKKE UPPUTHEKKATHAVAN ETHE KOPPILE VIDEO AADA ITHE POYICHATHOODE NINAKELLAM malayalis undel commentine like adi

  4. Well if Konami was to ban everyone who used vpn that would be a huge number and Konami will lose alot of active players

  5. Are you aa fool pes has no spot time ban only pubg have spot on ban we can see after update or next thurday
    Using vpn is viloetaion of there terms

  6. I have been using VPN since pes18 and till now my acc still safe…..that for who said using VPN u will get ban it's not true….ban only happen if u got report after renull or always reconnect….that's all from me

  7. F*ck man I released my two legends cause of that, f*ck the other youtubers I was afraid to lost my account. Thank for the explanation, good video bro, but now is too late for me. Thx a lot bro!!

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