GFW创意电话会议| 桑妮·杜特(Sonjay Dutt),斯科特·达摩(Scott D’Amore)和约翰·加布里克(John Gaburick)

与Global Force Wrestling当前的创意团队Sonjay Dutt,Scott D’Amore和John Gaburick一起享受最新的GFW电话会议。 如果您喜欢上载,请订阅。 GFW创意电话会议| 由BQ主持的Sonjay Dutt,Scott D’Amore和John Gaburick The King of the Mountain Podcast每周都会对GFW Impact进行正面但诚实的评论,并提供新闻,讨论问题,视频博客和访谈。 KOTM Podcast不会给我们带来负面影响,我们为那些厌倦了那些压倒公司的粉丝们提供了一个社区。 您应该拥有和您一样热爱全球力量冲击摔跤的播客! 您值得拥有的播客,将以积极的态度报道全球力量摔跤,而无需BS! 我们正努力成为YouTube上排名第一的全球力量摔角播客。 享受大量GFW内容,请立即订阅! 请在YouTube上订阅有关积极的全球部队摔跤的相关内容:官方网站:每个星期天都更新,其中包含影响力摔跤的评论(包括登录博客和邮件列表)https://www.kotmpodcast.site在Twitter上关注BQ:在Facebook上加入“尊重我的猫头鹰”小组:在Facebook上喜欢KOTM播客听BQ的访谈与GFW淘汰赛Sienna:收听BQ对GFW淘汰赛同伴的采访:在Pobean上订阅:在Apple播客上订阅:在Stitcher上收听: KOTM Podcast Pro摔跤三通店:推荐播放列表:“ GFW Impact Reviews” https://。

  1. Matt sydal or prince puma ?…. pentagon dark or matt sydal ?…..matanza cueto or matt sydal?….mil muertes or matt sydal ?…the mack or matt sydal ?…get where im going w this…no comparison…matt sydal is george mcfly w wrestling trunks….come on now…gwf impact tna creative team ? Is everybody on vacation r somethin ? Grado ? why wasnt kongo kong in aaa triplemania ? Lol….theses r the only dudes i agree w in your roster….lashly(jim cornette comes in n screws him). Chris adonis(2nd rated by gfw). Eli drake(hes cool i agree). EcIII(put on the back burner). James storm(getting old). Abyss(turned into a clown). Mahabali shera(needs to make his stompin more beleivable, my kids co-cock me harder than he stomps on dudes). Moose ( hes cool i like him). Johnny MUNDO!(he comes from lucha underground of course hes cool). If i were on the creative team i would blow this company up !!! Been watching wrestling since i was 5 …i know what the fans want. First thing i would do is put a t shirt on kongo kong. put sonjay dutt in the gym. Dude has no muscle whatsoever. Lax ? There aint no puert ricans in east la ? Conan is puerto rican. The eme would never let him in..hes confused. Km ? He needs to make his moves more beleivable. Best thing that has happened to impact is rosemary gettin her arm snapped by sexy star….it was real ..beleivable…i would like that armbar on kongo kong. Get him out of there. Jerk off. Once again its the wrestling expert foggetvabout it !!

  2. They have a extra show that they don't really do anything with they can go tape some episodes of that with a whole other commentary team or a guest commentator they can air that first in Canada then throw it on the Network globally Scott d'amore is co founder of bcw in Ontario his guys could work the show along with the GFW guys who aren't being used ATM. Even try to throw that on the network. They could just bounce the shoe around internationally interacting with their international partners they could attract more views.

  3. Scott buried Mike Johnson over that Low Ki rumor and I enjoyed that a lot. Once again, it pays to actually ask for a comment, rather than throw out rumors as if they're facts. He looked very stupid on that one. As for John, I thought he did well, and I know that's not going to be popular. I guess I'm just thrilled to hear someone (other than Ed having to do it all himself), who can speak for the company with ANYTHING other than, "Well, as you know, my family has been in this business for 70 years" and then circular talk that ends up saying absolutely nothing. The company needs strong, no nonsense voices to quiet all the noise. Scott, Sonjay & John all felt like strong voices to me.

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