
Cool Hack使用Nifty Chrome扩展程序称为视频速度控制器,以自己的步调跳过网络研讨会。 查询? 点击这里-http://bit.ly/2FQhKv0如何出售Google广告服务+客户注册文件 [FREE]

  1. Thank you very much Ryan. You were spot on 80 percent pitch and 20 percent content. I was watching a recorded webinar and initially the video controller did not work. However they have a recommendation in the setting to open a browser page and disable Flash so HTML 5 will be used. The link is…. chrome://settings/content/flash. I then tried and it did not work. BUT I re clicked the webinar work and then the video controller works. Hope that helps some folks.

  2. i still dont get how to use the hot keys, when I open the webinar jam there is not a little thing on left side of screen to fast forward. I have tried hitting fn and then d which appears to be the hot key and its not fast forwardig

  3. You just saved my life! I had to leave a webinar early, and couldn't justify listening to everything in the beginning all over again. If anyone was wondering, this also works on Genndi!

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