
https://www.prosofteng.com/drive-genius-4/使用Drive Genius加速,清理和保护Mac,Mac的速度是否变慢? 你看到太多的沙滩球了吗? 您是否想在潜在故障发生之前保护硬盘驱动器免受损坏? Drive Genius是提高速度,清理和保护Mac的第一大销售工具。 使用Defrag和DrivePulse等屡获殊荣的工具,您可以轻松保养Mac并消除沙滩球。 立即尝试免费演示。 。

  1. A number of the issues I`ve experienced in my personal computer are lagging, screen freezing, virus, and spyware. So, after running this super system utility for MAC “govo unique only” (Google it) I can see a great improvement in its performance. It helps to scan for errors, boost performance and increase speed! Aside from checking trojans, it can also eliminate them.

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