圣灵对你说:“你的祝福正在加速。加速的到来” 2彼得3:9

圣灵对你说:“你的祝福正在加速。加速的到来” 2彼得3:9 | 牧师恩典恩西达| PRABHAS MINISTRIES 2彼得3:9(NIV)主有些人知道自己的迟钝,所以他并没有不遵守诺言。 相反,他对你忍耐,不希望任何人灭亡,而是希望每个人都悔改。 给我们发送电子邮件以获取先知的咨询和指导。 你可以向我的大祭司暗中承认自己的罪过。 您可以分担您的负担,以便我可以将其全部交给主。 电子邮件:[email protected]用圣灵带领的奉献来荣耀主我们的上帝。 路加福音6:38奉献,就会奉献给你。 向下按,摇动并跑过去的好措施将倒入您的腿上。 “因为您使用的是这种方式,它也会为您量度。”(在备注中写下您的祷告请求或祝福。播种后,将您的祷告请求详细发送给我们)今天播下种子!https://paypal.me/ prabhasministries Google Pay UPI ID:prabhasministries @ okicici对于西联汇款,请给我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],以强大的圣灵外科手术打击您的房屋和工作场所的巫术,闹鬼,恶魔般的邪恶力量。一次用于家庭和办公室清洁https://youtu.be/qxYptgTxwns收到这个有关所有与皮肤有关的问题的治愈预言:https://youtu.be/ovpDFu48yas为灵魂的自由和舒适而接受圣餐https://youtu.be/2dFouFETsog与三位一体的团结:https://youtu.be/UaOkv1vXMxo先知部:普拉巴斯政府各部委为全世界的拯救,康复和救赎进行了预言性的祈祷,我们还帮助由圣灵带领的贫困和有需要的人 我们通过预言咨询来安慰灵魂。 先知的祝福:分享,喜欢和订阅更多的祝福。 我们为所有参与传播上帝圣言的人们祈祷。 预言频道:Prabhas的政府部门在评论栏中评论您的祈祷和见证。 订阅每日祝福的Prabhas部委https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNE4PynLMc-bLo-CW5uB3Q在Facebook上关注Prabhas部委https://facebook.com/prabhasministries在Twitter上关注Prabhas部委https://twitter.com / prabhasministry预言的荣耀:“主是我的牧者,我将不缺”。 诗篇23腓立比书2:10应当奉耶稣的名,跪拜天上的事物,地下的事物,地下的事物。 路加福音12:10然而,那些反对人子的人可能会被宽恕,但是任何亵渎圣灵的人都不会被宽恕。 #propheticword #bibleverse #todayspromise#prophecyjuly2020#祝福#propheticwordforday #bibleprophecyupdate #propheticwordyoutube #todaysbibleverse #holyspirittalkstoyou#propheticword2020 #proheticwordforencouragement #bibleversedaytoday #bibleverses#prophecy2020。

  1. My Beloved Ones! Our Lord God is not slow in blessing us. So, today you shall receive this prophetic word so that your blessings shall be accelerated without any obstacles. The anointing of the Lord that I carry makes a way for the Lord to bless you without any delay. So, receive it now!

  2. thank you for this prophetic word dear Sister, please pray for me – in 13 days I have court appointement for divorce, I declare stagnation, sadness and exhaustion has an end now, I receive my blessings in JESUS NAME

  3. Hi sister I really enjoy ur words. I am frm an abusive relationship fr 25yrs I was chased with my clothes and 3pots my daughter only earns very less that she pays fr a flat things are not very well but god keeps me strong I really want u to pray fr finances god will richly bless u

  4. Yes, I firmly believe and receive God’s acceleration of blessings in all levels of my life and family as well. In Jesus mighty name Amen.?Hallelujah., hallelujah, all glory and honor, now and forever!

  5. " He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily! Not one of them grows tired or stumbles not one slumbers or sleeps; " Isaiah 5:26

  6. Praise God for His everlasting kindness to us. We are so blessed that God wants this for us.
    We are being change for the glory of God.
    How awesome is our God.
    Praise for His wonderful works. God bless you sister ??
    Amen . Highest praise.

  7. I Thank The Lord Almighty God For This Prophetic Word.
    I Recieve The Holy Fire Anointing And Accelerated Blessings Without Obstacles Of The Lord.
    And Michael My Arch Angle Fighting For Me.
    Lord I Recieve Amen.

  8. Dear Prophetess I started vomiting as you were speaking and then I felt so much better. I read one time your advice in the comments that if you vomit listen to the video again after. So I listened to it a 2nd time and felt the powerful anointing even stronger hallelujah. Thank you for the deliverance and the anointing God bless you always in Jesus Mighty Name amen

  9. This was a very powerful Prophetic word and deep within I could already feel the blessings breaking forth
    So I come in an agreement with YES and AMEN,for physical manifestations for God's glory!

    God bless you dear Mother!

  10. I receive the blessing of the Lord today. Its zooming faster than ever before. Archangel Michael has been fighting for me since last year and he is now triumphant. It will become evident in August, as St Rita has already expressed to me in the spirit. Praise God, in his angels and in his saints. Amen and amen.

  11. I receive the holy spirit.,..holy fire…exceleration … speedy manifestation.i receive this heavy anointing on me and my family in Jesus name Amen Amen Amen Amen

  12. I connect with your ministry…..I subscribe to the belief that God is a God of excellence, I don't believe in mediocrity and stagnancy….God bless you sister in Chrirst …..

  13. So be it????????I believe & receive all now in Jesus precious name❣thank you Prophetess for your obedience, word of prophecy & prayers❤????Daddy God bless you, family, ministry & your Youtube followers always ????????

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