
这是我之前讲的rant的简化版本。 发推。 我在HeelCast上的出现:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = Uw3SfNmOPM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0qzkiYgdNo https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v = jVT31tu9bNk&t = 1492s Gail Kim不是英雄,她是恶棍:http://www.tnasylum.net/home/gail-kim-isnt-the-hero-shes-the-villain我的英国评论系列训练营2:http://tnathreshold.blogspot.com/search/label/commentary我最好的幻想预订,“ TKO”:http://www.tnasylum.com/search/label/TKO我的推特:http:// www .twitter.com / theRealFK9 Foolkiller的第4维度推特:http://www.twitter.com/4DFK也请关注此人:http://twitter.com/#!/HIREFK问我一个问题:http:// ask。 fm / theRealFK9我的博客:http://www.TNAthreshold.blogspot.com。

  1. I wish you would turn to these kind of reviews words just you talking about your thoughts on the shows you watch rather than being live.

  2. Actually, the message is "If you don't want Trump to deport you, find the most vulnerable and unstable beautiful woman you can and…" then do all that other stuff you said. Which is still crap.

    Wait, no, hold on.

    So…this looks like crap whether you're looking at it from the left or from the right, so I honestly don't think political pandering was in any way at work here.

    Okay, here's the message.

    "It's okay because it's Grado and he's just a goofball so it doesn't hurt bad."

    Which only translates to "The Devil's best disguise is comedy relief."



    Alright, I think I figured it out. The big takeaway from this here is that GRADO SUCKS.

    Wait, they're trying to get him over as a face…

    …I give up. THERE IS NO WIN HERE!

  3. I'm sorry, but you should be more furious about the fact that this freaking moron Grado exists. I seriously don't understand why this useless jackass is still on the roster.

  4. the sad thing is that i'm pretty sure that this angle was not(!) written the way it was just so chauvinist people backstage can have a laugh, i think it was done because people backstage actually thought this was good and were stupid enough to not notice all the plotholes

  5. wasn't the reason lvn went crazy cause Braxton didn't want to marry her and left her at the altar it seemed like she didn't care who she got married to which is seems like now she doesnt she looks back to normal and doesnt care like she did before

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