
您需要尝试的疯狂厨房工具这些惊人而简单的日常厨房工具将为您节省大量时间和金钱! 我们准备了有用的厨房技巧和您想要尝试的美味食品食谱! 别忘了订阅,然后按一下铃铛。)时间戳:00:23有用的厨房技巧01:23彩色爆米花02:24保持食物新鲜的简便方法03:16不寻常的煮鸡蛋方式04:24聪明的烹饪技巧05: 36厨房的好主意06:50如何吃自己喜欢的食物07:45如何防止厨房失败08:37比萨被黑客入侵该视频是出于娱乐目的而制作的。 我们不对完整性,安全性和可靠性做任何保证。 您对本视频中的信息采取的任何措施均完全由您自担风险,我们将不承担任何损害或损失的责任。 如果计划复制,则观众有责任使用判断力,谨慎和预防措施。 以下视频可能包含我们演员在受控环境中进行的活动-如果您打算复制,请使用判断,谨慎和预防措施。 ————————————————– ————————————–我们的社交媒体:5分钟工艺品YouTube:http: //bit.ly/2itjCyw Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/5.min.crafts/ Twitter:https://twitter.com / 5m_crafts订阅5分钟装饰:https://goo-gl.ru/5tsr订阅5分钟工艺品GIRLY:https://goo.gl/fWbJqz订阅5分钟工艺品玩:https:// goo .gl / PEuLVt订阅5分钟工艺品男士:http://bit.ly/2S69VUG Youtube的亮面:https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ————– ————————————————– ————————有关更多视频和文章,请访问:http://www.brightside.me有关品牌合作伙伴的查询:brands @ thesoul-publishing .com音乐(流行音乐):https://www.epidemicsound.com/。

  1. To the amazing person reading this: You are awesome. Say it with me; "I am awesome, I am loved." YOU ARE!!!!! Say it, "I can do anything." I believe in you. Do I know you? no. BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Now you please believe in yourself. If I can, then you can. You think that person is so perfect, well guess what? That perfect person is hiding inside of you, let them out. Find your true self and live your own life. You are so worth it and life is so not worth hating yourself. I can't stress enough that you can do anything. Have an awesome day or night! I believe in you. Go look at yourself in a mirror and admire all the great things about yourself. Smile for no reason. Laugh cause you can. Work hard and live life.


  2. The m and m popcorn is fake because I tried it and it was normal colour but in the video it was colourful , I think that they replaced it with rainbow popcorn . Like if you think it is true.

  3. For sake of small mistakes u r doing more ….its waste of time… I love to see but not to do ….hu had more time can do but I thought everyone has busy life's they can't be able to do but loved to see…. U r doing great in impressing of people carry on

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