如何在2020年免费获取Microsoft Azure RDP / VPS

#azurerdp #msazure #RDP如何在2020年免费获取Microsoft Azure RDP / VPS通过使用EDU电子邮件获得$ 100的Microsoft Azure RDP / VPS。 使用原始的可访问电话号码创建RDP。 duEdu电子邮件视频:https://youtu.be/Zs1lWP3xLlE?应用链接:https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/free/students/?订阅我的第二频道:http://bit.ly / 3594tXM?订阅我的频道:http://bit.ly/2RycdeJ?-在Facebook上赞我:https://www.facebook.com/tutorialsstuff/https://www.facebook.com/chembeast?-关注我在Twitter上:https://twitter.com/PassionofLearn https://twitter.com/chem_beast?-在Instagram上关注我:https://www.instagram.com/beast_chem1/喜欢+分享+评论+订阅=社区成长。

  1. We’ve disabled your Azure subscription

    To protect the security and privacy of your account, we perform routine audits of all Azure subscriptions. During one of these audits, we identified suspicious activity in your subscription that violates the Microsoft Acceptable Use Policy. We’ve disabled your subscription until the issue can be resolved.

    If you believe this is an error, please contact Azure support.

    If this issue isn’t resolved, your subscription and any data you may have stored in it will be permanently deleted on October 16, 2020. not creat the RDP 🙁

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