如何加快Windows 10(2004版)的运行速度

想知道如何加快Windows 10? 今天的优化教程可以帮助游戏玩家,高级用户和任何需要更快,更快的操作系统的人。 本指南重点介绍Update 2004(2020年7月),这是一个完全可逆的简单方法! 在此处使Windows 10 ISO(您也可以在此处手动更新,但请记住,首先需要版本1903或1909):https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/g-soft/download/windows10更新更改: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXDxet9qW_I 2004版已知的当前错误以及如何解决这些错误:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/release-information/status- Windows-10-2004时间表0:00检查Update 2004以及如何手动更新2:10首次安装Windows时(全新安装)3:11设置选项卡,显示和系统7:12设备选项卡,新的鼠标光标功能。 8:54电话和网络9:36个性化10:45应用程序,我卸载并保留的内容13:56帐户14:54时间和语言设置15:39游戏,游戏模式,xbox live和记录器设置16:20易于访问17:15鼠标指针18:01文本光标功能19:30搜索,文件嵌入,活动历史记录,诊断和反馈20:10隐私设置22:20后台应用程序和可选功能23:06更新和安全性,现在为Windows,Microsoft Defender,云和篡改保护。 24:48服务调整25:34 Msconfig调整25:46系统视觉效果,启动和远程访问。 (默认情况下,系统还原现在处于关闭状态)26:40结论。 ?Merch-http://www.redbubble.com/shop/techyescity❤❤️Patreon访问:http://www.patreon.com/techyescity❤️?便宜的CDKeys-适用于游戏的TYC3或适用于Win 10 Pro的TYC(最多18个)折价-https://www.vip-scdkey.com/software/microsoft-pc-10-pro-oem_1227-20.html?Discord访问:https://discord.gg/KdPKkh5?—– ————————————————– ——————————————披露:通常所有与产品相关的链接是Amazon,AliExpress或Ebay Affilaite链接,这意味着,如果您购买产品,我们将获得少量销售佣金,而您无需花额外的钱(如果您最终购买了产品)。 如果是直接赞助或“ AD”,则所有赞助的内容都将包含“赞助者”一词。 任何其他收入流都将以类似的披露方式披露。 音乐提供者:Monstercat,chukibeats,流行病,vlognocopyright,音频库,无版权声音,royaltyfreeplanet或bassrebels#windows10#win10 #tutorial。

  1. Hey you guys hope you enjoyed this one! Remember don't update IF your PC is already running smooth and you can't risk anything going wrong! I haven't updated on my main video editing PC yet and probably won't for a couple of months until the bugs are all ironed out! Update 1903 had similar issues for a good month after release.

  2. i followed your recommendation but when i select the window icon in lower L/H corner, i don't see my list of apps such as calculator, excel..etc. what feature should i toggle back on?

  3. You know what..? I'm fed up with losedows.. Not only it's buggy.. it also spies on you at the cost of your PC performance. Give us guide on linux bro.. I heard it's better for gaming now, secure, and waaaaay more stable than loserdows.

  4. Thank you for this amazing video, I'm using a windows 10 tablet with an atom processor, and these adjustments made a huge difference

  5. This went too fast and generated about 300 questions. Before I turn anything off I'd like to know just how much speed I'm getting or is the increase so negligible it it's worth it.

  6. "Still don't have a 2004 creation bootable" The Media Creation Tool does create a bootable version of 2004, have you downloaded the latest one? I think the older versions only download the version they where designed for. I have made a few 2004 USB drives with the tool over the last few months.

  7. Good selection of Tips, will give a small, but worthwhile performance boost i'm sure. Kudos.
    PS: i also use ''ShutUp10'', which does a fine job also.

  8. Windows 10 maybe better than 7. But simplicity and performance of windows 7 was good. Can't say about stability of win10 that much though.

  9. What? I have official ISO images of 32 and 64-bit version 2004, downloaded straight from Microsoft, dated 5/28/2020 sitting in my downloads folder. Was the update so bad that they removed it from their site after I downloaded it two months ago?

  10. WIN10 (2004) july 26th ⌨ Mine will Hang or Freeze and then other times Enternet Stops Then If a Restart takes ages WTF Did I Add ?‍♂️ intell something ? Gigabyte Timeclock pops up Hangs slow to restart pc ? ??‍♂️New install also

  11. In building several Windows images over the years for tens of thousands of users, the first thing I learned was don't change the default settings! It will only increase the chance of problems, especially with updates. Just saying…

  12. Do They WINDOWS offer you a driver to your printer? How about everything else? What i have experience there is no drivers for anything on version 2004.

  13. Another thing that people overlook is making sure their monitor is setup at the proper refresh rate. Which can bog down games, and not make them play well. I have a 144hz Gsync panel and often Windows defaults to 60hz after a clean Windows install.

    To change this Right-click on your desktop, and select “Display Settings.”

    Then click “Advanced Display Settings” then click “Display Adapter Properties for Display X” where “X” is the display you want to change, usually “Display 1” If you have more than one display they will all be displayed here so choose the one you want from here.

    A new dialog box will appear, and now click on the Monitor Tab.

    Under “Monitor Settings” there is a drop down menu allowing you to change your screens refresh rate which might be default at 60hz. Change this to whatever refresh rate your panel supports.

    Happy Gaming!

  14. Hi, good video. Maybe something about cleaning the system with unecessary things, fragmenting registry? There is a lot of software 'cleaning' your system but most of them are heavy/have services/trash.

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