回到老公寓看罗伯特! -与吉娃娃吉娃娃发呆

回到老公寓看罗伯特! -与奇瓦瓦州JAH一起发呆欢迎来到Jah和Jah的生活中发呆! 贾(Jah)是YouTube上的《与狮子一起的乔丹(JORDAN THE LION)频道》的主持人。 在自己的频道上关注他每天古怪的冒险! 对于Jah衬衫和商品:https://merchfive.com/store/jordanthelion。

  1. They’re not fighting. They’re playing the pin you down gotcha game dogs play and they’re adorable while doing it.

  2. So cute to see them so happy and cherished ,, every dog should live that way ,
    My pup Floki would play like that all day , only stopping to ? fart then back to playing

  3. Soooo cute!!!! Sounds like me in my heels on hardwood floors LOL Robert is a good buddy ? to Jah! He misses his old digs but that's the only home he ever knew so that's normal! ???

  4. These two are absolutely hysterical! Glad you're keeping their doggie friendship going, Jordan. And thank you for sharing it with us!!!

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