
安装带有Pivpn的Wireguard可以从任何地方访问您的服务器。 Pivpn脚本:curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash我最喜欢的Raspberry Pi套件-https://amzn.to/2uWBR6y我的VPN:http://bit.ly/2VQB0MW我的Usenetserver:http://bit.ly/2JGqKF4 Openmediavault论坛-https://forum.openmediavault .org OMV 5视频:https://www.youtube.com/c/TechnoDadLife▶支持您喜欢的视频:https://www.patreon.com/TechnoDadLife要一次性捐赠,请访问:https:// www .paypal.me / TechnoDadLife▶在亚马逊上查看我的装备:https://www.amazon.com/shop/technodad …主摄像头-https://amzn.to/2RAtzbR无线麦克风-https:// amzn .to / 2XsgeYB咖啡杯-https://teespring.com/tdl-mug?tsmac = s …查看我们新的TDL Merch:https://teespring.com/stores/technoda …要发送邮件: TechnoDadLife,邮政信箱114,詹姆斯敦,纽约14701感谢您的支持! 这些是会员链接,因此它们确实为频道提供了一些支持,因此我可以添加更多视频! 。

  1. Hi, I'm having troubles when I'm trying to install it. The installation doesn't show me the screen to choose between OpenVPN and Wireguard, so automatically installs OpenVPN. Do you know why? Thank you

  2. TDL, why is your kernel version 5.6.0? Did you update it manually? Because my OMV 5 box is stuck on 4.19.0, even when I run "omv-update" on console.

  3. I like your content so much; I became a Patreon. Thanks for all you do. You sure make kind of content that I like. Your presentation makes me realize that I'm able to do it myself too.

  4. I would like to connect to wireguard from my Android TV but AndroidTV does not have a Wireguard client. Any workarounds?

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