艾玛·张伯伦(Emma Chamberlain)对TikTok禁令的反应揭晓!

特朗普总统继续威胁要禁止心爱的应用,这对提克·托克斯(Tik Tokkers)来说是一个混乱的星期。 现在,我们最喜欢的一些影响者正在大声疾呼。 观看最新的Clevver新闻Feed:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBcpx6wxj3o&list=PLGiKo5lTqUGRGOIH8wmyc8MQFR2u5tOtS&index=15订阅更多名人新闻►►http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews Clevver新闻的更多消息:Rumor Pat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaJYuD59kDI&list=PLGiKo5lTqUGSo_N7mzfxHtUNUc9Ej1pYl YouTuber新闻:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyv6rDuFwWA&list=PLGiKo5lTqUGTUdMayYC4:Celeb。观看吗?v = GKA34Xf61Qo&list = PLGiKo5lTqUGTb8Dxdqse7arOPubV-RHxs了解更多Clevver访问:在Facebook上找到我们:http://facebook.com/clevver在Instagram上关注我们:http://instagr.am/Clevver在Twitter上关注我们:http://facebook.com/clevver ://twitter.com/ClevverTV关注我们的主人! Emile Ennis Jr. @emileennisjr Sussan Mourad @sussan_mourad注册投票:http://vote.org/ #TikTok #TikTokBan #EmmaChamberlain。

  1. Let me just say, Trump is my least favorite person EVER! This may be the only good thing he’s talked about doing. Not because I think Tik Tok is stupid, but it honestly is very unsecured. I know several people in the IT field who have refused to have it on their phone, and strongly advised anyone they know to take off of theirs.

  2. Apparently tik tok and snapchat are biggest tools for pedophiles to contact kids. 2020 has been horrible year for children since they spend more time with tablets and phones and that's where the pedophiles are. But I have a feeling there always will be another app since social media is not going anywhere.

  3. The only rzn i like tik tok is the funny stuff and the INFORMATIVE stuff period. I learned so much on the app i aint kno abt wat was happening in china until someone on the app expressed their sadness abt it

  4. Sneaky way to sway young ppl to vote by making Trump look like the bad guy as always. ? I thought we were done with this. I thought it was common knowledge that we’re no longer anti-Trump. Have you SEEN the news recently?! WTH

  5. I think trump has no idea if tiktok is banned or deleted there going to make another app that's just like tiktok and everyone going to go there?

  6. Omg why is she the only one who gets to report? Seriously. I’ve honestly tried to like Sussan… but it’s the lack of personality for me! Stop making me go to Hollywood scoop for my trash news clevver, ugh! Emile and Drew all day every day please. ??

  7. Reels was already introduced in India after the TikTok ban in India during June-July. I saw so many Indian influencers posting reels on ig from mid July onwards.

  8. Nobody understands that China is using Tiktok to spy on Americans! All these “influencers” got rich from dancing but yet hard working people don’t get rich is there anything wrong with that picture?

  9. I don’t use Tik/Tok it’s not for me. A bunch of kids and immature individuals have been on top of that foolishness!!??‍♂️ It’s crazy folks made careers on damn mobile apps.??‍♂️

  10. When tiktok got banned in india all the tiktokers just switched over to reels. Also riddle me this, if they aren't stealing information from you then why is it BANNED in CHINA ITSELF?

  11. God do these Americans don’t understand that it’s a question of national security, like PLEASE can Americans just get their priorities straight.
    I just am genuinely concerned for them I mean no hate.

  12. It shouldn't be about whether or not you like the content on TikTok. The issue is that it could start us down the path of the government being able to ban whatever they want.

  13. Every politician who supports the TikTok ban over potential security threats and also supported the Patriot Act and NSA spying is a hypocrite.

  14. Lol people always argue about how oppressive America can be yet they faint when a Chinese company will supposedly no longer be available. China oppresses their own people too. You may not find it on Google but look at how many other sources are available on different search engines there are many evidence leading to China being oppressive.

  15. This makes no sense , the main purpose of banning the app is because since its Chinese, the Chinese government is making profit outta the influencers and are able to weaponized themselves against US
    If trump wants to ban the app he has to ban other chinese apps as well instead of targeting a single app .
    P.s. tik tok being a chinese app is banned in china ?

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