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  1. I agree you should forgive family and friends. Being focused on themselves and kids may come off as someone thinking they are better but you should get to know each individual before assuming.

  2. Hi Tren.
    How can we clean our bad blood with the family?
    My bad relationship with my parents, the fact that they don't believe in me, problems beliefs with money etc it's a curse for me.
    It's almost impossible to talk with them without arguments or feel bad because they are stuck in their way of thinking.

  3. I Love being alone not that i don't like other people but I've always preferred my own company ever since a child. I choose to speak life over my manifestation. Lmao I bet people think that about me. I find talking to myself alot because I'm always speaking my affirmations out loud.

  4. ?Positive affirmations work! Sometimes my mind is blank and I feel that is so much better than negativity but for the most part my mind is filled with positive thoughts ?

  5. Taking time for ourselves, isolation and becoming aware of our inner conversation ❤
    You're amazing Trenius! Sending love here

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