每次我们杀死视频的速度加快| 侠盗猎车手在线钻石赌场抢劫沉默和鬼nea


  1. #RDMChallenge

    "Mega Ultra Hardcore mode"

    -Any players
    -Target: Money
    -Worst hacker possible
    -Any gunman
    -Approach: The Big Con (Bugstars)
    -No preps or aids (ex.: decoy)
    -You can only use FISTS
    -You must attack the first guard you see when entering the casino
    -You have to use the worst driver's getaway cars
    -Top/best seller

    Good luck with that, you will need it 😉

  2. #RDMChallenge

    “The take it slow method”

    -The Big Con (bugstars)
    -Target Artwork
    -Waste entrance/staff lobby exit
    -any optional preps
    -Best hacker, worst driver and worst gunmen
    -No detection
    -You can only walk inside the vault
    -3rd person only
    -Put memes in along the way

  3. #RDMChallenge
    Pacific standard heist
    Bikes for getaway
    Gustavo carbine(closest to special carbine)
    2mins in vault max
    Do all gun glitch and use special carbine mk1 not mk2
    Exit main entrance
    Enter main entrance no heli or sewers(go to train tracks near paleto)
    Good luck

  4. #RDMchallenge
    "The Police Raid"
    Aggressive approach
    Start from Paleto Bay's arcade
    Worst gunman, hacker and driver
    Guns: Revolver loadout (do the gun glitch and then just use a cop pistol)
    While you reach the casino, on the highway, there's a police transporter vehicle (you will hear the siren don't worry), try to take it.
    Take 300k$ from the vault
    Escape with helicopter
    Every optional prep
    Use reinforced armor
    Use a custom outfit (CEO or MC), it must be similar to a cop one.
    Enter and exit: waste disposal
    Get to the helicopter on foot, good luck 😀

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