Ryland打破对Shane的沉默,特朗普搬上Ban TikTok YouTuber新闻速览

YouTuber新闻又回来了一周! 本尼迪克特·汤森(Benedict Townsend)看一看莱兰·亚当斯(Ryland Adams)对尚恩·道森(Shane Dawson)正在进行的争议保持沉默的态度,特朗普总统严重威胁要取缔提克·托克(TikTok),杰克·保罗(Jake Paul)说,在大流行期间他不会停止参加派对,许多有影响力的人都声称要抓捕派对上的COVID-还有更多! 另外,我们还有YouTuber Watch的回归,本周(独家)将介绍有关工厂的故事。 请考虑订阅该频道以获取所有YouTube最新新闻。 谢谢大家,祝大家圣诞快乐。 青年新闻播客:https://www.popbuzz.com/internet/podcasts/youtuber-news-podcast-how-to-listen/订阅更多内容:https://bit.ly/2KBipS9 YouTuber新闻是一个节目PopBuzz为您带来的信息,自1856年以来,每周都有YouTube上每周最重大的新闻。我们每周都会发布新的剧集,因此请确保订阅成为第一个收听YouTube世界动态的人。 如果您读了这么远,请评论’yee haw’:wink:。

  1. i do not ever remember subscribing to Youtuber News, but i’m glad i did. this just showed up and i’m all for it. i even turned on notifications lol.

  2. Wake-Up! America – Dump Trump he has to go, really a Big TOTAL TOOL with Backward Mind, all he have Anger Issue with full of Hatred, Racism, with No Moral Background or Honor, without Fact Checked he always does spread Lies and Slanders and Fake News, Rest of the Puppets Follows, he Fail his Duties & made U.S Poor with Poverties, more UN-employment, Sad to see everyday lot more Homeless with Unsolved Problem Living Life without any Peace, No Wonder why Everyone Hate U.S – America can never have what China have. Trump Lies People Dies ..

  3. at the crossroads of not wanting to hear about the crazy drama on yt/tiktok/the world but also wanting to hear about the next Youtuber Watch, the laughing lady, and whatever Benedict has to add

  4. these videos are great for when youre about to sit down to study and you need a short video to satiate your ape brain until you take your proper break after an appropriate amount of time

  5. Shame needs to stay away from the Internet forever, stop framing his vids as "ancient history," done in Babylonia and Mesopotamia. Times weren't all that different in 2016 up to this year! Go away, and stay away, Shame!!

  6. Jake Paul: “I’m not gonna sit around and not live my life”
    I guarantee that throwing a huge party will lead to you not living your life Jake.

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